Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sew busy

There she is. My baby.

I've been on the hunt for a sewing machine for a couple weeks now and managed to come across this Bernina Bernette H70 on Hancock Fabric's website. I'd been looking at Ebay, and this was by far much less expensive than most of the computerized machines I've seen: on sale for $349.99 with free shipping. Sweetness.

So far I don't know much about sewing, so I'm trying to self-train. Despite some late-night swearing, I'm having a blast.
My first project: felt food for James.
I did the 2 fried eggs last night. They're so easy to do. While he's down for naptime I'm working on a "sandwich", chip bag and chips, and some orange and lemon slices. It's a great beginner project.

I'll post more pictures as I move along!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

So far my Mother's Day celebration has consisted of:
1. 2 bouquets of flowers (courtesy of the hubby and in-laws).
2. A brand new sewing machine (from my mom--it should be arriving tomorrow via UPS)
3. Fabric for all my current projects, including a tag blanket for baby, some felt food, and stuffed toys.
4. A viral/stomach infection (courtesy of my toddler).
5. Trips to Michael's, Joann Fabrics, Target, and TGIFridays.
6. A cake. My idea, that hunter-gatherer husband retrieved after some severe late-evening cravings.

Hubby is currently at the sink doing the dishes (I loathe the dishes). He's so good to me.

So besides being sick, I've had a wonderful Mother's Day and I got to spend it with my two (and a half) favorite people.
By the way, since I've been so absent from blogland lately, baby number two is a BOY!! We decided on the name Riley and of course, couldn't be happier.
I'm now done with my Spring Semester classes, so I have some extra time on my hands to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather with little man, and to get crafty!

Projects include:
1. tag blanket for Riley
2. Felt food for James
3. Stuffed elephants for Kelly, James, and Riley.
4. Baby shoes.
5. Amy Butler Diaper bag
6. Soft blocks
7. Play kitchen for the kids
8. Some art work for the kids room/playroom
9. Both baby books, and the family scrapbook
10. grocery bag holder

Maybe I'll get it all done at some point?
I'm excited. And Mom has hooked me up with Amy Butler fabrics, a good pair of scissors, a new Bernina, and all the necessities to get busy.

Time to snuggle up with the hubby.
How blessed am I?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You can't scare me I'm a mother

I like to consider myself a newly seasoned mom. I've had to dig small objects out of a toddler's mouth, remove unholy stains from carpets and upholstery, change diapers, cook (from scratch!!) an ENTIRE Thanksgiving dinner (okay, with some help), killed houseplants, shovelled 3 ft of snow, hosted weekly playdates, all the while pursuing my college degree online, still found time to get dinner on the table and the house cleaned.

Okay, I'll admit: my house is usually pretty chaotic. And we frequently have fast-food nights where I just don't feel like cooking. I'm certainly not super-mom. But I am blessed with a great family and I have the opportunity to stay at home with my kids, which is really important to me.

I'm currently living in a house full of testosterone: Jason, my husband is a soldier in the U.S. Army. My son, James, is nearly 18 months old. I'm currently pregnant (nearly 20 weeks), and the sex will be announced Monday, after my ultrasound--although I can go ahead and tell you I have the strongest hunch that it's another boy. Just seems fated.
We're currently stationed in upstate New York, and have been here for about a year now.

Life is good--although the pregnancy [read: psychotic] hormones can sometimes argue that. It's hard to slow down and enjoy things and count my blessings, but I'm working on it.