Friday, April 27, 2012

2 months

Poppy girl is 2 months old!
She is up to 12 lbs 14.5 oz and 23.25 inches long.
Her eyes are getting bluer and longer-lashed like her brothers.
She can hold her head up for minutes at a time.
She looks mostly like James, but every now and then I'll see a little Riley in her.
She sleeps around 10 hours a night and can sleep through mine and Jason's alarm clocks going off. Which can I.
She smiles and squeals and tries to talk when you engage with her. She'll start moving her mouth like she's talking and squeal when she can't get any words out.
She sleeps in her carseat and has made peace with it now that I took the head support thingy out. It was too hot and scratchy against her little neck.
She loves getting a bath before bed and it always puts her in the mood to sleep, no matter what time it is or how cranky/over tired she is.
She can grasp at things.
She's wearing 3 month sized clothes, some 3-6 month sizes, and size 2 disposable diapers. 
Shots suck. She stopped crying as soon as I picked her up, then stuck out her bottom lip and just whined pitifully. She was fussy and sore the whole day, especially after 4 hours when the tylenol wore off and at diaper changes when I moved her legs. Day 2 she was cranky because her belly hurt from the oral vaccine and had blow-out diapers all day. Now it's Day 3 and things are finally back to normal and she's a happy girl again. Whew.
She's finally taking a pacifier. Well, when she wants to. She's kind of a picky baby. 
We found a bottle she'll take! Just like James, she only takes playtex drop-ins.
She loves the color red and hot pink and will stare at the walls or my shirt with wide eyes, cooing and grinning.
She adores her big brother and Daddy.
She demands to be held most of the time, except in the mornings when she takes her nap. Her afternoon nap  almost always happens in the boppy pillow, in my lap. In fact, she's snoozing there right now. And if I even think about sneaking her over onto the couch beside me instead, she'll pop those little blue eyes open and naptime is over.
Not much gets done around the house these days. Laundry piles up fast when there are five people worth of clothes being worn, especially when the littlest of us goes through 3 outfits a day on average between spit up and diaper blow-outs. And the biggest of us are getting spit up or pooped on. Awesome.
Exhausting as it can get, I cherish these lap-naps. I remember when Riley took them. And James, too. Pretty soon, this fast-growing sweetheart won't fit my lap anymore. Hard to believe she outgrew my belly two whole months ago.