Sunday, March 27, 2011

We always snuggle with rainboots on

This morning was a nightmare. I felt like crap, both kids wet the bed, then while I was taking the dogs outside to pee, Riley found one of Jason's carving knives that was left out where it shouldn't have been, and nicked his finger. He didn't cry or act like it bothered him at all, but I was freaking out when he came up behind me with blood all over his hands! The only thing he fussed about was me trying to put a bandaid on him or elevating it applying pressure with a washcloth. I'm just so thankful that it was only a small nick and not something worse! But whew! Talk about an adrenaline rush! Who needs coffee when you can wake up to a large dose of anxiety and terror? Jason missed all this, luckily, because he was being a darling husband and changing the oil in my car. He made it up to me later by doing the dishes (I hate doing dishes) and bringing me a soy latte from Starbucks. After the initial suckiness that was my morning, the day went pretty smoothly. We spent most of the day snuggled up on the couch, with snotty noses and fevers.

But I did manage to get a short 3 mile run in during naptime (excuse the awful hair-no-makeup-gross-ness). Btw, this is my awesome rain/windbreaker I got on sale online. Even in 20-ish degrees it keeps me warm when I'm running! Take caution though--neighborhood dogs do not like joggers in fuschia jackets.

When the initial nausea wore off, I finally decided to eat something around 4:30 this afternoon. In retrospect, coconut lime curry probably wasn't the best thing to refuel with during a bout of "flu-like symptoms". . . but it tastes so good!

We did get some packing done, though. These are just a few of the 40-something boxes we have lining our office/foyer/bedroom/playroom/kitchen/closet. . .

Maybe we took the packing a little too far?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sick Day

Sure enough, this bug has moved on from the boys to me. I lysol-ed everything--toys, doorknobs, lightswitches before naptime and cozied up for a nap myself, but no luck. Woke up from naptime with a sore throat and a burning nose. I've spent the first half of the weekend tending to my two sickies with tylenol, eucalyptus essential oils, vick's vapor rub and bad television with a perpetual snot stain smeared on my shirt/pants/jacket. James even skipped his art class this morning in lieu of cuddling on the couch with daddy and a sippy cup of juice. You know its bad when he doesn't feel like doing his "arts and craps"! Riley has had an upset tummy all day and we've been through two or three outfits and loads of laundry. Just when I got the pile down to something manageable, it doubles or triples!

I did manage to get a nice long run in this morning though! An entire hour of running about 5.5-6 miles (didn't measure exactly since I took a lot of sidewalks and trails, but I tried to keep up a 10 minute mile pace consistently). It was 14 degrees when I started and warmed up to about 20, plus the wind was pretty awful. But it was just beautiful! And refreshing! I took in all the trees and sunlight and sights. My legs are super sore, but a good sore. In every run there's always a point whether it's 5 minutes into a run or 40, that I want to quit. It's inevitable. I start thinking, I could just run back to the house real quick and call it a day. Today it was about 35-40 minutes in. I had been through all the scenic pretty areas and knew that the rest of the run would just be "filler" neighborhoods and subdivisions or repeats of what I'd done already. I was bored and tired. That push, mentally and physically, to get out of my slump is like a rush of adrenaline. Once I throw all the negative thoughts away and just go, I feel invincible!

It is definitely easier to push out of it when I'm running outside rather than on a track or treadmill though. Structure, especially while I'm running, really turns me off. I guess it's just going outside of my comfort zone. Its easier to think negatively when I know exactly how much time or laps or distance I have to go rather than just running free.

I'm planning a short run tomorrow morning, like 2-3 miles and some strength training, so I'm hoping this cold will hold out at least til tomorrow afternoon? Then it's soup, vitamins, green juicing, tv and some snuggling with the boys to recover.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

hummus and other happenings

I want to start tonight's blog off by wishing my lovely Mom-in-law a happy birthday! [Here she is with my handsome hubby and a fabulous dollop of whipped cream on her nose]

Also, I made the most Uh-MAZE-ing hummus-wraps for dinner tonight and I just can't resist commenting on them!
I got four boxes packed today and lightened the dirty laundry pile down to a small ant hill (in comparison to what it was, at least). I also intended to do a light 2 mile run this evening (but reaaallly didn't want to get out in the cold), and accidentally did 3 miles! I feel like super mom!
I have a sneaking suspicion that I won't feel that way for long, though. Both boys woke up with runny noses this morning and I'm afraid that I'm next. Better get in some good miles while I'm up to it.
Goals for this weekend:
1. Clean out/pack garage
2. Run a 5 miler and time it
3. Buy some avocados
4. Ward off this bug--up the probiotics, vitamins, and lysol
5. Clean up the yard and all the toys hiding in it
6. Make some green juice

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spaghetti with spinach-mushroom marinara

Homemade marinara sauce:
Chopped Campari and Yellow Cherry tomatoes (just the campari would be fine)
4 oz can of mushrooms (fresh would be better, but I'm trying to use up everything in the pantry)
2 handfuls fresh baby spinach
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
handful fresh basil, chopped
1 Tbs italian seasoning
garlic salt and black pepper to taste

Cook in saucepan, stirring often, while cooking spaghetti (I used a mix of whole wheat and quinoa pasta). It took about 8-10 minutes to get a saucy, texture. I recommend adding the spinach in the last 2-3 minutes, so it just barely wilts.

It was so yummy and hearty! Enjoy :)

Bean burrito with pico and avocado

When I've dabbled in veganism before, I tend to fall into a trap of veggie burgers and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. Now that I've decided to make vegan living a permanent thing, I'm trying to get creative!
Here is yesterday's lunch: Vegetarian refried beans, chopped avocado and romaine and pico de gallo (chopped campari tomatoes and yellow cherry tomatoes and onion with chilli powder, garlic salt, and a squeeze of lime juice) on a tortilla! Yum :)
(You'll have to forgive my horrible-amateur-cellphone-photography)
Moving is . . .well, going. Its kind of like a giant game of real-life tetris. You have to find an item with the exact shape to fit in the odd gaps in the moving boxes, without it being too heavy and still be able to tape it shut. Then you have to tetris all the boxes and furniture onto the moving truck! Neverending.

Monday, March 14, 2011


With the military, you know that nothing is ever set in stone, and it's pretty much impossible to plan anything yourself. Well, if you make those plans and have big expectations for them, that is.
In recent weeks our orders changed and now we will be moving ourselves, instead of having the government do it. That means within a month and a half we have to have everything packed, a truck booked and loaded, the house cleaned and repaired, a new house waiting, and a million new things to prepare and prepare for. We have about 6 weeks to go, so it's really down to crunch time already. We're tripping over boxes, highlighters, sharpies, and sticking to everything with all the packing tape lying around. The checklists are dwindling down and covered in more and more x's. The front foyer and back of the office are littered with packed boxes. Moving is always such an adventure!
My little sister's college graduation is coming up soon, and with this move, we'll actually be able to make it! Afterwards, we're going on a family vacation with my parents to celebrate. It'll be a nice break from all the moving madness. My plan is to lose about 15-20 lbs by the time we set foot on the beach.
I'm choosing a plant-based diet, free of dairy, eggs, and flesh. I'm cutting out most processed foods and foods containing gluten. I'm working out at least 35 minutes a day for 5-6 days a week. I'm feeling good already--and I just started! In only a few days, (less than a week, even!) I've lost 3 lbs, I feel satisfied, not bloated, overly-full and miserable. I am sore from the running I've been doing, but it's a good sore.
I threw my back out shovelling snow last week and the first painkiller that actually worked was exercise! It's amazing how the road to healing and to health is so simple, but so overlooked.
Last year, I challenged myself to go vegan for a whole month, the month of April. This year, I'm taking it further, by cutting out the processed crap and by sticking with it for life.

I challenge you to try it too, even if you're just trying it for a month. Here's last night's dinner to get you started--it was delicious!

Vegan Italian Stuffed Eggplant (serves 2 people)

1/2 cup brown rice, cooked
handful chopped fresh basil
handful fresh baby spinach
2 TBS sundried tomatoes (julienne sliced, either in oil or soaked)
1/2 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
garlic salt or sea salt
black pepper
1/2 cup water
1 eggplant

Preheat over to 350 degrees.
Slice the eggplant in half, long ways. Scoop out the pulp and chop it into small cubes. Salt the insides of the eggplant and set aside.
In a saucepan, cook the eggplant cubes, onion, basil, garlic, and spinach with the water till the eggplant soaks up most of the liquid and is brown. Add the cooked rice and sundried tomatoes, season with salt and pepper and stir.
Arrange eggplant cases in baking dish lined with foil (or coated with olive oil) and spoon in the filling. Bake uncovered for 25 minutes.