Friday, May 14, 2010

Life is Good

So I'm back in New York. Monday I said my good-byes to sweet Tennessee and hopped on the bird with both kids, four checked bags, a diaperbag, and the ginormous double-stroller in tow. Mom flew up with us to help maneuver everything and stayed till Thursday.
Its been two days just me and the boys and the dog (PetsCargo made all the arrangements and got her up here--they're wonderful and I'd totally recommend them if you need to move a pet over a long distance:!!!).
It's been kind of a crazy week; early flights, hot-and-cold weather, a rogue beagle, a flat tire, photo sesh at Sears, a trip to the commissary, a leak from upstairs=soaked carpet in my hallway, and lots of cleaning/organizing/decluttering. I'm so not even close to done with that last part, but I'm taking a break tomorrow because there's an Armed Forces Day event at our zoo tomorrow! I can't wait to take the boys! Thing One has been asking to go back to "grandma and grandaddy's house" and its hard to explain why we can't. I've just been telling him we have to be here for when daddy gets home when he's done with work. I know as soon as the hubby walks through that door it'll all make sense and make it worth it to him. But for now the uncertainty is hard to comprehend when you're so small and have no sense of long-term.
We baked cookies tonight and Thing One had 3 of them before bed. I think now, 2 hours later, he's finally asleep! He's been singing all night long.
Thing Two is trying to teethe. Even at 8 months, he still hasn't popped a tooth through yet, but I can tell his gums are bugging him. Wish me luck that I'll get a full night's sleep, sans 3 or 4 am wake-up calls complete with crying and screaming. :/

We're definitely getting back into our own routine now. Maybe even better than its been! I've gone to sleep all week sans dirty dishes in the sink and I've even been folding the laundry! For me--this is a huge accomplishment. Now if I could just get all the clothes out of these suitcases and into my dresser, then we'll be good to go!

Off to bed. G'night you guys.

Just kidding. 'night ya'll!