Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where we've been all week

Thanks to some google searching I found a women's fitness center close by that offers childcare! Even on Saturdays and evenings! It was cheaper than the Y, more daycare hours available, and the group classes are free to members. So we went to tour it on Monday morning. It's an older, small building, completely female-run and occupied. It wasn't too crowded and I didn't have to compete with grunting soldiers for equipment (like at the gyms on post) and the kids actually really liked the daycare (they didn't even want to come home with me the first day!), so we signed up and have been everyday since. Tonight I got a free session with one of the personal trainers, which went really well and was nice and informative.
Since all the moving craziness, exercise and diet have fallen by the wayside. Stress, poor choices, laziness, exhaustion, general chaos, vacation. Before I knew it I had gotten really out of shape and I've been feeling it lately. I've been meaning to join something since we moved in, but it never felt like the right time. Either I was to lazy to find something, or we were going out of town, or Jason was about to leave. So now. No more excuses. It feels good to get back on track, or at least to be heading that way. Since we got back from our latest trip and Jason's gone, I really want to make an effort to get in shape, not necessarily to lose weight, but to get healthier. I'm also planning on running a 5k either at the end of July (can you believe it's only days away??) or early August. Running has been something that comes naturally, and I've been doing lots of it this week. I could probably bump it up to a race mid-month July, but I'd like to do one when my sister comes to visit.
My one concern with racing is the kids. I still don't have a babysitter (which I need to find soon), so I'll probably be running with a stroller. I have a million strollers, but the one double we have is not running-friendly. We have a jogging stroller but it's a single. Dilemma.
I've found a double jogger that's on sale through target, has good reviews, and isn't ridiculously expensive that I'm debating on. Maybe put the single jogger on craigslist and put the money towards the double?

All our swim-time with our neighbors and friends has gotten James to start begging me to get him a pool. Jenna's new one was on sale at Walmart so after the gym we checked it out. We ended up coming home with it, and a fancy slip-n-slide thing ($12 a TJ Maxx!). James was so excited about swimming and "slippy sliding" today, so I got up and started trying to blow everything up. Without a pump. I couldn't even get the small tunnel part blown up on the slip-n-slide! I tried to dig out my air mattress pump (which, unlike our air mattress, actually works) but the attachment to use on those tiny blow up parts was MIA, so no luck. We'll have to make yet another trip to Walmart in the morning to get a pump for it so my poor kid can play outside. Fortunately, the yard guys come tomorrow, so the yard won't be a jungle anymore!

It's hard to believe that the 4th of July is already here! I'm hoping we'll get to go to some of the fireworks shows either on post or at Callaway Gardens with our neighbors. I'm still trying to get my house clean (struggle) so we can have them over to play. Maybe by Sunday we'll have everything clean, mowed, and water toys blown up and do some burgers or something? As long as we don't spend the holiday alone, I'll be happy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday swimming

Yesterday I was feeling bluesy since we haven't really gotten to see anyone or do anything fun since we've been back home. Weekends are the worst when Jason is gone because everyone else is with their families, spending time together. I usually waste the weekend being lazy, occasionally get some housework done if we've had a busy week, and anticipate the fun starting Monday. Luckily, my wonderful neighbor, Jenna texted me this morning while I was cleaning house and invited us over to go swimming! After lunch we put swim shorts on, stuck Riley in the stroller and down the street we went!
This visit was much smoother as far as the boys getting along. They shared (with only a few small spats over toys) and played and had a grand ol time. Riley entertained himself, as usual.
Note: he is not sunburned. He is a human thermometer like me and turns tomato red whenever he steps out in the heat. I had a little old man fuss at me to put sunscreen on him the other day at the beach and I promised him that I had.

Andrew and James are getting to be closer buddies now and chased each other around the yard on the 4-wheeler, with waterguns and pretended to "fight" the toy sharks in the pool.

When the 4-wheeler was all charged up, James hopped on it like it was nothing and whipped it around the yard. I just wish he'd watch where he's going.

Riley mostly kept to himself, so he wouldn't get run over by the older two. He was perfectly content to just play with his little watergun and splash in the pool.

We had a great afternoon over there and it wore everyone out enough to take a good nap. Now I just need to finish cleaning my house and get a kiddie pool to prop up in the backyard and have them over!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

weekend rambles

Things are settling back in now that we're home, but so are the post-trip blues. In the past couple weeks of Tennessee and friends visiting, there was something going on just about every day. Three or four days of no plans or friend visits later, I'm crawling up the wall.
We did have a neighborhood meeting earlier in the week where we planned our big cookout for the summer. I was hoping it'd be earlier than it is, but I'm really just glad we're doing something like that at all. Everyone will pitch in to bring tables, chairs, food, music, the works, so we can all meet and greet and gain a sense of community.
I've been trying to work up the motivation to clean my [disgusting] house. Hasn't happened yet. So....I decided to take care of some errands instead. Yesterday we had to take the dogs in to get new heartworm meds, which consequently means I have to get their bloodwork done so they can have a heartworm-negative tests on file. I somehow managed to get myself and both kids ready, in the car, dogs in the car, and to the vet 20 minutes early. If you know me at all--this NEVER happens. I am notoriously late. For everything.
I was never punctual [much less early] before kids, but they just fuel the flame. I've even tried budgetting my time better, getting up earlier, planning ahead the night before. I've set out clothes and pre-made breakfast. I still end up rushed and frustrated. Granted, my planning is never perfect, and there have been many a snooze button that I've indulged in, but I promise there were several good efforts that just plain failed.
Anyway, so I got us all to the vet on time, without rushing, and good thing too. Do you know how horrifyingly hilarious it is to push a stroller, drag two dogs that try to run off in different directions, fuss at a 3-year old to hold on to the stroller and open a door? Like a full-on knob-turning door that is not a push-open or automatic??
Let me just say the place was pretty full. There was a family with a guinea pig having its nails trimmed on one side of the waiting room and a hoity toity couple on the other with a golden retriever puppy on the other. The husband was complaining about something to the front desk, and the wife sat there in the middle of the seating area, taking up all the space I could possibly walk through or sit down. I awkwardly parked the stroller to the side, tried to keep my barking dogs close so they'd quiet down and quit going crazy on everyone who walked by. There was also a man sitting there with his dacschund (not neutered! I was judging!) who took up the last possible seat close to the door that I could have taken. No one held the door open for me. Everyone ducked their heads, only looking up occasionally to snub me for having too many kids or dogs or whatever else.
Now, my dogs have never been to a puppy training class or anything remotely close to it. They run off if I let them off their leashes and they bark and whine whenever they see a stranger or a strange dog. They are great with my kids, have never bit them or snapped at anyone. They love people, but will bark and let me know if someone is outside my house or trying to get in. They know how to sit and shake, but that's about it. Basically they're good ole redneck dogs and that's why I have them. To feel safe and for companionship.
The man with the dacshund was the first to say something. "Are they [dogs] always like that?" Me: "Only around strangers." He huffed and went on. They weren't snarling or growling or anything. Just barking and whining because they were in a FREAKING VET CLINIC and there were strangers and strange dogs everywhere.
He occasionally mumbled something under his breath and kept saying to his dog, "You go show 'em how to act" and actually pushed his dog at mine at one point.
The guy who had been carrying on at the front desk was now sitting with his puppy and started chiming in then. Then, as if to show off how great his freaking dog was, started commanding it to sit. It plopped down and started scratching itself. Haha!
The two men kept carrying on, showing off, and whining about my dogs and how loud they were til the other side of the waiting room cleared up. I moved over so I wouldn't have to sit on the floor anymore (and listen to them).
Perhaps, gentlemen, you would consider opening the door for the young mother with her hands full before complaining about the dogs' behavior??
Luckily, they left eventually. A few older ladies sat near us while we were still waiting [forever] and every one of them had something kind to say. One lady told me about her shopping trip when her 3 children were young and she was pregnant with her fourth. The two oldest ran off while she was distracted and she had to chase them down, pregnant, with a baby in the cart. She laughed, and made me laugh, but you could tell she was far from laughing when it happened.
Finally they finished the bloodwork, after Bailey screamed (yes, the dog literally screamed), and everything was good, so we got our heartworm meds (which costed an arm and a leg) and a nice [real] gentleman held the door open for me on the way out.
Sooooo...I got my first encounter with rude people down here! But all's well that ends well.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take me home country roads

Our week in Tennessee was filled with playdates with friends and cousins, get togethers with family, playing outside, reading books that I snuck from my sister's "library", and splashing in puddles. Both kids and dogs practically bolted from the car as soon as we parked in the driveway! Our first night there, we had an accident involving a tractor toy and a giant pilates ball that left Riley with an ugly black eye. This kid has seriously had 3 or 4 black eyes in his barely two years on this earth.

Nena got into something that night, too. The next morning her whole face was swollen and she looked like a bulldog. She kept sneezing and scratching the night before so I thought it was just her usual allergies, but the next day it seemed more like something stung her. Gotta love the country!

For the record, my child put himself in there!

The kiddie pool was a big hit on the hot days.

Zuzu was Nena's size this trip (when we came for New Year's she was Bailey's). She's a really sweet, goofy dog and kept pinning Bailey on the ground with a paw on each ear. I think the dogs miss their "pack" now that we're home.

My parents celebrated their 30th anniversary while we were there, so I made them a French Yogurt Cake with Lemon from "A Homemade Life" by Molly Wizenberg. I'll be writing a review on this book later, I absolutely love it and have tried a few of her recipes already! She's also the author of the blog, Orangette (check it out!).

The cake was super lemony and delicious. I wish my obsessed-with-all-things-lemon husband could have tried it, maybe it'll be his graduation cake?

Kelly, Drew and I went to see "Bridesmaids", finally. It was so. freaking. funny. All three of us were laughing super obnoxiously the whole time. They are probably my favorite people to go to movies with.

James is obsessed with making blanket forts, so we all crawled in their with him. Pretty cozy if I do say so.

I took the kids on Wednesday night to meet up with our friends, Nicole and her daughter, Atiana at Monkey Joes. The last time James came to Monkey Joe's he wouldn't go near the bounce houses. All he wanted was to play the games and ride the rides. Riley, being my little daredevil, jumped right into the inflatables.

Of course when he saw how much brother was having climbing the rides, he decided to go with that instead. It was all fun until I put the quarter in the machine...

Panic soon subsided and they spent every last quarter I had on these stupid rides. At least they looked cute, right?

Juggling both boys was a struggle. James ran off to the rides and Riely would try to climb something on the other side of the room. A nice man who was there with his son came running over to spot Riley so he wouldn't fall off the motorcycle ride while I dragged James back into my line of vision. It wasn't until we were leaving that I even considered that the man probably saw my child's black eye and thought I must be a horrible, neglectful, abusive mother and that was why he felt the need to protect my child. I'll just stick with "nice samaritan" for now.

I managed to drag both kids into a fairly tame inflatable and distracted them from their protests with the punching bag thingies. Turns out, my kids like to punch things. A lot.

When that got old, it was back to the games. (Riley, Atiana, and Nicole)

Riley gave the bouncing one last go when we ran out of quarters.We took our hungry kids to Fazoli's for dinner after cashing in our tickets for dinosaurs that grow in water. Nicole and I chatted while the kids hid under the table playing "Peter Pan". Nicole and I were pregnant with our now 3-almost-4 year olds at the same time while we were both living at Fort Campbell. She's one of those friends that I love keeping up with and feel really close to, even though we've only met a couple times in person. She's a beautiful, smart, fantastic mom and I admire her for working so hard to take care of her little girl.

I loved this picture of them. They were two of a kind.

Poor Uncle Drew was wiped out after sharing the most-uncomfortable-pull-out-couch-ever with a 3 year old who likes to spin in his sleep. He ended up making a pallette on the floor to sleep in the hallway and took naps in Kelly's barbie sheeted bed (that's covered in all her stuff) during the day.

**Note to Daddy, he only slept in this bed after Kelly was out of it. HaMule meltdown

Thursday night I went out with my friends, Bobby and Bosley. I've known them both forever and love them dearly. Bobby and I are notorious for our dress-up dates and singing in the car. I met them at their newest apartment and we went out to a hokey little bar close by that they frequent. We spent the evening catching up on the past 3 years, reminiscing, and laying out the future over bourbon that tasted like cinnamon gum and a fruity drink that tasted like kool aid. on the way home we belted Johnny and June like old times with the windows down.

I miss these guys!

Friday morning was breakfast with Granny before a sniffly-sick Gee Gee ran off with her friend to take her third Destin vacation of the year. We had pancakes at Cracker Barrel and each boy got a little airplane toy (that they've already broken. Twice. Each.) from Granny.

Over the weekend I got to visit my friend, Ashley and her barely week-old little boy, Alden. She's just moved back to Tennessee from Florida recently, so I haven't seen her in nearly 5 years, since we started college. I can tell she's happier now that she's back home, surrounded by a fantastic support system of family and friends, and now that she has her baby boy in her arms and out of her belly. He's a precious little thing, and barely squeaks rather than cries. He is one lucky little boy to have a mom that loves him so much!

Saturday night I got to see my friends, Amanda and her husband, Jacob and their new home. They just bought it last winter and have been gutting and renovating all over the place. It's really lovely and they've done such a great job of fixing it up.

We talked for a while, laughing at each other's stories, then went to eat at Olive Garden for our tradition of peach sangria and loads of pasta.

This is their baby, Bella. She's an adorable, sweet mutt with ears like a german shepherd, legs like a corgi, and the body of a labrador. She also has a taste for zumba dvds.

We celebrated Father's Day weekend with my dad. All the visiting during the week had wore us out, so it was nice to just have a low-key weekend at the house. One of my parents neighbors horses ended up in the yard on Saturday. The dogs were barking like crazy and the kids were fascinated. Even the stormy weather and barking dogs couldn't convince those horses (who looked a little on the skinny side) to leave this yard full of grass and a nice kiddie pool full of water to drink. We didn't get back in the pool after they left it full of horse spit.

Our last day, Monday, we met up with our friend, Cheryl and her little boy, Ayden, at the playground. These wild boys climbed and slid and ran all over the place.

It was smuldering that day, so us mamas hung out under the playset in the shade.

Cheryl took both of the big boys down the slide.

Riley kept getting a little run over by the older boys, but he's standing up for himself more.

Our stay ended with baking with Grandma (and licking the beater with Grandaddy).

We left early Tuesday morning. The drive was a smooth, seven hours. Our stops were few and brief and the kids and dogs were great travellers. We got home early in the afternoon. James got mad at me for packing the night before and told me that I could go home with Riley and we could come visit him later at Grandma's. During the drive, he told me he wasn't going to go inside the house. By the time seven hours of driving were up, he was over that. It was hot, our butts were numb, we were tired, so he just settled for, "That was fun at Grandma's house. We're need to take Daddy next time."

It's bittersweet leaving, but I'm glad to be back in my own bed, in my own house, in my own neighborhood. Now I'm just ready for these next few months to fly by and have my family back together again.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amy's Wedding

We drove out Friday toward Tennessee for our friend, Amy's wedding and a visit with my family for Father's Day. Aunt GeeGee made some cake pops for my cake-pop-addicted boys, Grandma had cookies ready, and Grandaddy went out and picked up a little pool for them to play in. The boys were in their element as soon as we pulled up the winding driveway. The wedding was Saturday evening. I took my time getting prettied up in my hot pink barbie dress (with matching toenails).

The venue was a little farm called Twin Oaks in Springfield. We were served strawberry lemonade and given handmade fans that had the event schedule and menus on them. Lights and flowers were strung up in their backyard garden. The chairs were decorated with beachy ribbons and she and her bridesmaids wore flowers in their hair and adorable starfish earrings. Everything was just beautiful.

Amy is one of my friends who I've known since the awkward, long-haired days of middle school. While she still has Rapunzel-length hair, she's grown into such a lovely person, and I'm so glad to have been able to share so many years and experiences with her.

When she walked out with her dad, grinning ear to ear, I couldn't help but tear up.

I've only had brief interactions with her husband, Michael, but it's obvious that he's the perfect other half for her. Emmy put it perfectly, "He's like Amy, in guy form". I'm so happy for them and that I was able to be a part of their special day.

Emmy and me with the new bride.

Here's a quick peak at the garden. They had pasta and salad bars set up and a tent in the yard behind it.

There was a photo booth for guests to take "tacky tourist" pictures for the couple's memory book. Emmy and I did one with mustaches. The newlyweds got up and did one of their own :)

The cake was made by one of Amy's aunts, with brown sugar sand and candy seashells and seastars, which they cut into from the iron gazebo.

Emmy, in her pretty yellow dress, and me in the garden. Doesn't she look fabulous? She's an Atkins goddess these days, prepping for her own wedding.

She and her fiance, Jacob, took a photo opp in the pretty scenery.

I loved this candid one of them. They look so happy!

The reception ended with a fireworks show (this was a big event!). The last time I saw Amy was over a year ago when I was staying in Tennessee during Jason's deployment, so it was really fantastic to see her again. She looked just like a mermaid coming down the aisle and the whole wedding had her written all over it. I hope she and her new husband have a lovely honeymoon and a happy life together.