Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Poppy's birth story

We woke up about 4 on Friday to call in to Labor & Delivery and find out when delivery was scheduled. I showered, did my hair and make-up and waited for Jason's parents to arrive (they flew in the evening before to keep the boys for us while we were in the hospital) and we headed to the hopsital at 6. 39 weeks! My last pregnant picture.

We brought the nursing staff some Krispy Kremes (trust me, take care of your nurses!) and they got my iv started and ran me through everything. The great thing about a planned c-section is how laid back everything is! The staff was friendly and reassuring. I was super anxious and nervous and a few hours felt like forever. Poppy was bouncing around, digging her feet in my ribcage and kicking the monitor off my belly (just like her brothers did). Finally after what seemed like an eternity, they walked me back to the operating room. At 8:46, Poppy Jane entered the world, a solid 8 pounds 3 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. She was so big they had to use the vacuum to get her out.

The c-section was the smoothest I've had, out of three, and by 9:15 they were wheeling me back to the labor & delivery room to recover. Recovery took about an hour and they brought Poppy back to me right away to start nursing. With both the boys, I had to wait several hours til I was in postpartum. The entire hospital stay, she rarely left our side.

The make-up and hair weren't stellar when it was all said and done.

We were smitten from the get go! Daddy's already wrapped around her finger.

She has Jason's nose and eyes, my eyebrows, ears, and lips and hair like her brothers.

We were moved into a room in the mother-baby unit after I could feel my lower half again and they started my drip. A few hours later Jason's folks came by with the boys to meet little sister.

I anticipated Riley being jealous, both being a little standoffish at least, but nope! They wanted to know right away where their baby was and as soon as they met her, didn't want to leave her side! Riley was grinning ear-to-ear. Both of them wanted to hold her and kiss her. It was heart-melting!

On Saturday, my friends Jennifer and Erin came by to visit and take in some of that "new baby smell". Intoxicating.

Sunday morning, we were given the okay to go home. After my doctor had seen me and signed me out and the pediatrician came by to discharge Poppy, there was a hospital-wide power outtage, putting a hold on our paperwork since there was only one working computer in the unit. The power literally blacked out as soon as the pediatrician left the room. Of course. We waited around for another hour and change, and Jason picked up my prescriptions at the pharmacy and finally got to head out a little after noon. My in-laws had an afternoon flight, so we were worried that we'd have to get the boys up to the hospital to arrange the ride home, but everything ended up working out. Poppy wore a sweet dress my mom made her (the one that came in the mail the other day), with matching booties, bloomers and a scalloped-edge blanket. All the nurses were oohing and ahhing over her. Who could help themselves?

This pooh bear carseat has brought all three of my babies home. It expires this December and I'm going to be very sad to get rid of it.

Sleep in the hospital was not so great, between painkiller crises and constant vitals checks, I was afraid Poppy had her days and nights mixed up like James had. Since we've been home, things are much better. She's extra sleepy, in fact because of her mild case of jaundice--one that's brought us back and forth to the hospital for heel pricks and constant monitoring. She's such a sweet, lovely little baby, nurses like a champ, sleeps like an angel, and we couldn't be more in love with her. Her brothers haven't shown an ounce of jealousy, even since we've been home. I've found that even the biggest two-year old meltdowns can be instantly pacified with the words, "you want to hold/kiss/see Poppy?" I was changing her diaper the other day while Riley sat on the bed next to us. As soon as the cold wipe touched her, she started shrieking and crying and Riley pushed the lid down and took the box of wipes away from me so I couldn't upset her anymore. Already taking up for his little sister. I couldn't be prouder! I can't help but think about how lucky I am that I am blessed with such wonderful kids and that they all understand exactly how blessed they are to have each other.

Things are settling down now, Poppy's almost a week old. I'm still having to take her back and forth to the hospital (fingers crossed that her bili-count is finally down tomorrow!) to monitor her jaundice. Granny and Kelly arrived a couple hours after Jason's folks left on Sunday and it's been great having all the help. I can't say how things will go after all the help leaves (my parents are coming next week) and Jason's paternity leave ends, but the transition so far has been smooth. I'm looking forward to feeling human again after I'm all healed up, and getting into our routine. I'm not stressing or worrying about having to cart all three around, or juggle the day-to-day. I know there will be bad and good days and it will probably be total chaos, most of the time. But I love this great big family we've made and I know how fast the time goes and I want to make it last.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Phone photo dump

Just a few pictures of our Poppy! Our sweet girl came into the world February 24 at 8:46 am at 8 lbs 3 oz and 21 1/4" long (longer than both her brothers were!). She's the sweetest, most loved little girl. Her big brothers, daddy and I are smitten. I'll post some good pictures and details once things settle down a bit.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Poppy is here!

Details to follow, we are in love with our little flower!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Poppy's nursery

The day before delivery, we finally finished the nursery! Well minus the banner I haven't finished sewing that will go over the closet. But done enough! So enjoy the peek:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

38 weeks

How far along? 38 weeks, 4 days

How big is baby? Estimated around 7 lbs (James was already 7.13! And he came at 38 weeks, 3 days--crazy to think we'd already have her!), approx. 20 inches long and watermelon sized! And boy don't it feel like it!

Weight gain? 30 lbs

Sleep? Ha. What sleep?? Between sick babies crawling into my bed, stealing my nest of pillows, getting up to pee a million times, and a small child lodged in my rib cage, sleep isn't really happening these days.

Symptoms? Swelling up like a balloon. Nausea. Killer rib pain. Oh and I'm so huge that I'm pretty much wearing Jason's clothes all the time. I try to look a little nicer when I leave the house, but even in warmest of weather I'm layering up tank tops underneath and sweaters on top so I don't accidentally expose a naked belly.

Movement? Baby girl is running out of room! She's dropped, but she's grown so much that her feet are always in my ribs. Nothing seems to get them out unless she's sleeping, because she'll curl up a little and quit kicking around so much. She's still dancing, but it's obvious things are tight in there.

Cravings? My ritz crackers are starting to lose their magic. 11 weeks in, they are actually making me nauseous.

Best moment this week? Fun get-togethers with my friends (while I still can!), finishing up the nursery and packing the hospital bags (got her coming-home outfit in the mail that my mom sent me, so she's all set!), anticipating her arrival with the boys (James is super excited, Riley thinks we're getting flowers), and getting my hair done today so I can look spiffy in all those swollen hospital photos!

Looking forward to most? In just a few days, having her! I can't wait to see how the boys welcome her, being comfortable and sleeping again, and getting to meet her. I wonder who she'll look more like and how big she'll be. I can't wait to have a tiny baby in the house again. And I can't wait to burn my maternity clothes.

3 days to go!

Monday, February 20, 2012

4 day weekend

This was our last weekend as a family of four. Jason had a 4-day, since it's President's Day, so we made all kinds of overly-ambitious plans. Plans that did not include the boys getting sick. Again.

We started off running some errands, finishing up our grocery shopping pre-baby, and made some time to play at the train table at Barnes & Noble.

Everything seemed fine, until Riley woke up from naptime spiking a fever (again), crying, coughing, and all stopped up. Since we just went through all this mess 3 weeks ago, Jason packed him up and took him to the ER. James woke up shortly after they left, complaining that his ear hurt. I didn't have another carseat to drive him over, so we were just going to wait it out til Jason came home and switch kids. I gave James some tylenol and dug some motrin out of the medicine cabinet, but after 3 1/2 hours, Riley still hadn't been seen by a doctor and James wasn't feeling any better. I did a little online research and found a pediatric urgent care clinic in town that takes Tricare and didn't need a referral, so I called Jason right away and told him to come home. Thank the Lord for this clinic! From the time we walked in til we walked out, even with a little wait, was an hour and a half. The staff was amazing and called the next day to check on the boys.

After some amoxicillin for James's ear infection and a motrin regimen for all the viral mess, both boys were feeling better by the end of the weekend.

We've been meaning to take the boys to see a movie for a couple weeks now, but between all the bugs and Jason's crazy air assault schedule our plans were put on hold. Finally, we made a trip to the Imax at the Infantry Museum to see Puss in Boots in 3d. The boys were particularly excited about their 3d glasses and popcorn.

Both of them did really well for their very first movie theater-movie. Riley got a little impatient toward the end and didn't want to sit still, but James was glued to the screen! We had a great time :)

I got to enjoy a little fun this past week, myself. A few friends and I went to see "The Vow" the other night. It was good, but not quite the estrogen-packed-tearfest I was expecting. Then, this Saturday was Bunco night, pajama/sweats themed (which worked in my swollen favor). It's so crazy to think that delivery is only days away! Everybody got one last rub on the belly while she's still in there. I'm going to miss frequenting the meet ups and seeing everyone while we get into our routine, but I know I've got a great support system of friends around. And eventually, it'll be nice to enjoy some girls' nights without carrying around a great big belly!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby shower

A couple of my fabulous friends threw me a baby shower this weekend. We had the best time and everything was beautiful! Erin hosted at her home and made these strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting (they were soooo good! don't they look amazing??) She and Crystal (who took all the pictures so I have plenty of them and could just relax and enjoy the shower) put the whole thing together.

The turn out was great and I got to celebrate with many of my closest friends. We snacked, chatted, played some games...

"Diapered" each other in toilet paper

I was "showered" with lots of goodies for Poppy

There's 6 people in this picture (and something in the water?).

Here's the whole group of us!

And at the end, Crystal took some belly shots for me :)

I'm so lucky to have made such creative, thoughtful friends who have gone above and beyond for me in these last 10 months! I would've gone crazy a long time ago if it wasn't for them!