Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy January

A new year, a new beginning. I recently complained to my husband that we never do anything spontaneous. We plan everything out, or back down when a crazy/fun/spur-of-the moment idea comes up. So to tackle that one, he suggested we drive down to Tennessee to visit my family for New Year's. We loaded up the car last monday night at 1 am and took off 1000 miles toward the south! We had such a fun week. The temp got up to 68 one day, sunny and beautiful. We played in the mud puddle with G-ma, played in the pond, caught a tiny fish, tried to catch salamanders, rode the mule (Kawasaki, not the animal) all over the pasture. I felt like a kid again. I got to visit with a few friends, we had a triple date with my sis and her bf and my friend and her hubby to eat at Chilli's and watch Black Swan. Intense movie. We ate cookies and drank wine and played cards and it was just fantastic! We drove back up yesterday, got in at 1 am and crashed! The weather held out till we got within a half hour of home and the snow started really coming down. I was so exhausted and Jason was so exhausted and the kids--ugh! It was rough. I drove the last leg of the trip and I could barely keep my eyes open and seeing through the snow was nearly impossible. When you're that tired and it's dark out, it's so much harder.
It's kind of lonely being back home again, no family visiting or to visit. The holidays are over, so the decorations are coming down. No Christmas to look forward to. Hubbs starts back to work tomorrow. And with all the appointments and everything coming up soon, it's easier to feel overwhelmed than excited.
But I'm going to make a conscious effort to stay upbeat and to get motivated. I have a list longer than Santa's of resolutions to make and there are many exciting things coming up for us this year to look forward to! The past couple weeks of holiday chaos has really shown me how blessed I am and how much I have. What good are your blessings if you don't take the time to enjoy them?
I'm going into this year full-force. I hope you are too.
Happy New Year, ya'll!