Tuesday, April 14, 2009

You can't scare me I'm a mother

I like to consider myself a newly seasoned mom. I've had to dig small objects out of a toddler's mouth, remove unholy stains from carpets and upholstery, change diapers, cook (from scratch!!) an ENTIRE Thanksgiving dinner (okay, with some help), killed houseplants, shovelled 3 ft of snow, hosted weekly playdates, all the while pursuing my college degree online, still found time to get dinner on the table and the house cleaned.

Okay, I'll admit: my house is usually pretty chaotic. And we frequently have fast-food nights where I just don't feel like cooking. I'm certainly not super-mom. But I am blessed with a great family and I have the opportunity to stay at home with my kids, which is really important to me.

I'm currently living in a house full of testosterone: Jason, my husband is a soldier in the U.S. Army. My son, James, is nearly 18 months old. I'm currently pregnant (nearly 20 weeks), and the sex will be announced Monday, after my ultrasound--although I can go ahead and tell you I have the strongest hunch that it's another boy. Just seems fated.
We're currently stationed in upstate New York, and have been here for about a year now.

Life is good--although the pregnancy [read: psychotic] hormones can sometimes argue that. It's hard to slow down and enjoy things and count my blessings, but I'm working on it.