Tuesday, September 27, 2011

first of fall + roadtrip

We hadn't planned on any Tennessee trips for a couple more weeks, but with upcoming doctor visits and other plans, this weekend just worked out better. My dad's birthday was Saturday, so we got to celebrate with him, the flea market was open, and it was the opening weekend at Owen Farm's fall festival.

There was soooo much to do! A little something for everyone.

Kellygoat, Grandma-sheep, and Dani-horse.

2 blondes + a corn maze. Yep, we got lost. Over and over again. Until we turned around and went back the way we came.

They shot out of that giant slide so fast! I thought they were going to shoot into the woods. I love that they have the exact same expression!

Dad and Kelly did the zipline--it looked like so much fun! The boys and I wanted to go too, but we had to opt out. Maybe in a couple years?

Hayride!Corn guns! The boys loved them. Shove ears of corn down there, aim, and press the button. They also had a pumpkin cannon!Sandboxes full of corn! The boys didn't like putting their bare feet in it though, something about the texture freaked them out.

James did love filling up the buckets with corn, though.

The four of us :)

Everything was a lot of fun! And everyone was so nice. All you have to do to get a ride on the tractor-barrel-train or a hayride was crawl in and sit down and someone was right there to take you. I'd love to take the kids back again and Jason too!

While I was in town, I went out to visit Emmy and baby Brody and help her with some wedding crafting.

A can of spray paint, trip to Walmart, a couple shakers of glitter and sticky handfuls of glue later, we finished off with 60+ glittered babyfood jars for votives.

The boys and I said our good-byes and left after noon Monday.

But not until after playing with Aunt Gee-Gee's dollhouse.

The trip started pretty smoothly, except that James had had a little too much juice and kept having to pee. Our first stop was the Ardmore, Alabama rocketship rest stop. The boys always get excited to pass the rocketship back and forth on our Tn trips, but since it's on the 65-South side, we only get to stop there and see it when we're heading back home.

It's so big, they're just fascinated. I wish you could still go up under there (you could back when I was little) but there was so much graffiti and whatever else, it's blocked off now.

The trees are just starting to change and the air is getting cooler. Fall is, by far, my favorite season! I'm so excited it's here!

Monday, September 19, 2011

16 weeks update

How far along: 16 weeks, 3 days--but measuring 3 days ahead (according to Friday's ultrasound)

Size of baby: according to thebump.com the size of an avocado!

Baby's heartrate: 154 bpm

Weight gain/loss: 3 lbs

Gender: found out Friday, it's a girl!!

Movement: this is my lazy baby! I've felt a few flutters, but she's pretty mellow.

Cravings: I've been eating a ton of yogurt and fruit. I looooove kefir. I can't stomach any cream-based sauces or red meat/heavy meals. I don't know if it's craving/aversion related, or just from all the morning sickness triggers.

Symptoms: In the past week or so, I've started having a few bouts of nausea all over again. Running has slowed to jogging and I get ligament pains from it, so one of my friends passed her maternity support belt on to me. Sleeping on my stomach/back is starting to get uncomfortable. Nosebleeds. Peeing all the time. Feeling pretty good for the most part. Coasting through the second trimester!

Best moment so far: We had an ultrasound done this past Friday at a place in town to find out the gender. We're soooo excited about our little girl! Riley's oblivious to everything, but loved the u/s because the girls there gave him suckers and tootsie rolls. James tells everyone about seeing the baby in mommy's belly and how he wants to name her "Cookies"!

I had an actual doctor's appointment today and when I got back home from it, he was asking if the doctor took the baby out of my belly. I'll totally admit I've already done some shopping and I've got plans for my sewing room for a quilt, taggie blanket, and a nursing cover! I've got a million other projects I haven't finished for the boys, too, that I need to work on. I think my biggest pregnancy symptom has been creativity! I was awful ambitious when Riley was in my belly too.

I'm a lot more confident about this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Riley I was terrified about the transition from one to two, but this time, two-to-three doesn't sound so scary. I'm a little afraid of how the transition will be on Riley since he's my mama's boy. I can't say how things will be til they get here, but I think we'll be fine.

We have a name in the works that we're pretty sure of, but we're not making any announcements or final decisions for a while.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Playing catch-up

My sweet in-laws flew up over Labor Day weekend to visit and help with the babies and give me a little [much-needed] break. The timing could not have been better because by a miracle of God, Jason got a day-pass to spend with us on post, that Sunday.
They swept into the house Friday morning, scooped up the grandbabies and my MIL took me to the spa for the day! While I was getting a massage, facial and mani/pedi, they vacuumed and cleaned out my [disgusting] car, did the dishes, and entertained the boys. For the record--it was Caravail's Day Spa in North Columbus and it was fabulous! Ashley did my nails and two weeks later my pedicure is still going strong!! No chips!!
Saturday they took the boys to the Infantry Museum and to run around and keep them out of my hair so I could work on organizing my sewing room/office. I was able to get a lot done and found a working camera battery stowed away! I hated that I didn't have one until the last bit of the visit. That evening Jason told us that he was getting an on-post pass for Sunday, so after church in the morning, we got to take off with him for a little while. We did some shopping at the PX, then visited the Infantry Museum again. James has been begging me to take him back to it--even though it was too loud and a little scary while we were there. I know all he remembers is getting to be with Daddy. The boys did NOT let him go the whole day.
First family shot in a while! It rained all weekend so we had to break out the jackets and umbrellas (James was just so excited to get to use his--and jump in puddles!).

We had lunch upstairs at the museum then explored (me, for the first time). Jason showed us the picture of him in the Iraqi Freedom section, Grammy got the boys some popcorn, and a space shuttle gift pack at the gift shop. Afterward we headed over to the shoppette for Jay to get a haircut and we waited with some ice cream.

Monday morning we had a small birthday celebration for Riley. He got to blow out the candles on his pumpkin pancakes.

They insisted Grampy sit with them at the Pooh table.

Two-year-old tantrum. He was upset because the candles were blown out and he wanted to do it again.

The grandparents flew out in the afternoon and we skipped naptime to head over and have an early dinner with Jason (he still was on pass, but had staff duty for most of the day). It was so good to see them all. Having help with the boys and being able to get some things done and a little relaxing was soooo nice! And seeing Jason was wonderful for everyone. I'm glad the timing worked out where his folks got to see him and the boys were so happy to hold onto him for a little while. Me too. :)

When your only contact becomes 5-15 minute phone calls most nights and the occasional skype-bedtime story session, it's nice to be able to sit down and really talk. And hug. And hold hands. Man, I miss my husband.