Sunday, June 24, 2012

4 months

Our newborn days are well over now. Poppy is full-on baby and her personality is really starting to blossom.  She has found her feet.
Her eyes are looking more brown.
She loves to make kissy faces/noises and thinks it's the funniest thing (video to come!).
She's is a combination of both brothers. Some days she looks like Riley, others she's a spitting image of James.
She's very chatty. If I sing to her, she tries to sing along. If you talk to her, she tries to talk back.
She's wearing 6 month size clothes and size 2 diapers (but not for long!). They're starting to get snug already!
She has her doctor's appointment this Friday, so I'll update her weight and height afterward, but I'm guessing she's around 16 lbs and 24-25 inches long. Big girl!
No one can make her laugh and grin like her big brothers. 
She looooves water. We've been back to Callaway Gardens beach twice and a friend lent us her baby float. Once she was fed, I put her in that float in the water and she went right to sleep. Little water baby.
Her favorite game is pat-a-cake and we'll clap and sing it in the car when she gets fussy. Just like we used to do with James.
She's not a fan of the Moby/sleepy wrap carrier. She'd rather ride along in the stroller.

We're in the middle of the 4-month old sleep regression. Boo. She's no longer sleeping through the night and opts instead to wake up 2-3 times a night to eat. She's been eating less during the day, despite my most valiant efforts and then wakes up starving at night. Getting her to sleep in the first place has become challenging too, as she demands to be rocked to sleep some nights, swayed other nights, and some nights she just wants to fall asleep eating. Its hard to tell what she's in the mood for. Some nights she just fusses. And others she goes right to sleep and sleeps all night long. Fickle lady already.
Despite our sleeping woes, she's a generally happy girl. 
She's rolling over every time you put her down and is trying so hard to get into crawling position. She'll scoot in circles around her little playmat. 
No solid food yet, but just a two short months before that happens. 
She loves bath time, rattles, sucking her thumb, being tickled under the chin, and sleeping in late. She's made peace with her carseat (probably because of our 7 hour-each-way trip to Tennessee). She doesn't like being hot, wet/dirty diapers, getting her nails clipped, the binky (she won't even take it even more), being on her belly for too long, bottles (she still drinks only a couple ounces so she won't starve, then she holds out til I get home).
We go to the gym most mornings and the ladies in the daycare fight over who gets to hold and play with Poppy. They do a monthly date night where parents can drop the kids off for 5 hours and it's wonderful knowing I'm leaving my babies in good hands and getting to spend some child-free time with Jason. Poppy gets loved on and played with, so even though she barely eats while she's there, she's in a happy mood when we come to pick them up.
Poppy is definitely all girl. She's higher maintenance than the boys. She lets you know when she's not happy, and when she is happy.
She still happily tags along on all our adventures, only now she's awake for most of them. 
I feel like days just fly and when I stop and try to take it all in, I realize how much has gone by already. It's surreal.
Since I didn't get the opportunity to squeeze in a Father's Day post, here's a quick pic of Daddy with his girl on Father's Day this year. His first with a daughter! 
And don't think that the boys were left out--he took them on a fun trip to Monkey Joe's to celebrate.