Thursday, April 29, 2010


So TVA...has died a quick, painless death. I was a 30-day vegan..minus about 5 days (that's including my whoops at Maggiano's on the 17th and Cheesecake Factory on the 18th). I made it to the 27th and say what you want, but all this running and training I've been doing for this 5K? (which is THIS SATURDAY!!! And I'm suuuuper excited!!) Well, I got hungry!! And Dad made steak and fries and I lapped it up like it was my last meal and I've been eating cheese and butter ever since. The steak did make me feel pretty crappy, though. I could have done without. But I have no regrets. I may not have made it 30 full days, but I got damned close! And I can still take away from TVA:
1. I learned that going vegan is not as impossible as many people make it out to be.
2. New, filling, colorful, flavorful, adventurous, healthy, cruelty-free recipes.
3. I made my food choices for myself, stood up for them despite much resistance, and gained a little confidence because of it.
4. I learned to appreciate and savor food instead of rushing through it.

Food catches a lot of flack. I completely disagree with the idea of "food for fuel, not pleasure". That's crap. I think by not enjoying a good meal, a good wine, a good dessert, whatever! that you're cheating yourself out of a rich experience. I don't think that means overindulging, though either. It just means enjoy a little of everything and savor it. The atmosphere, the flavors, the friends who are enjoying it with you! There's little that satisfies me more.

Classes are almost over and I'm happy to say that I have a fighting chance of making a "C" in Anatomy and Physiology!! It sounds totally slacker of me to say it, but here's the thing. I've been busting my butt in this class and to no avail. I just haven't been "getting it". I've been convinced that I'm going to fail and made peace with it. But I haven't given up! When we started the semester the lecture hall was packed!! Not a seat left open. By the first couple weeks, we had about half the starting number. Then by the last couple weeks, we're down to less than 10 students. I understand not wanting to "waste your time" on a class that you're destined to fail and have to re-take anyhow, but I'm proud of myself for not quitting. And it appears that it may have paid off! I have one exam left--my final--and I'm just going to wear out my notes and flashcards and text this weekend and do my very best next Tuesday.

This weekend will be super busy--5k run Saturday morning, my sister's sorority ball that evening (I'm her date!), and study study study!
I'll be sure to post pictures!

I'm trying my best to keep on moving forward, but it's been difficult lately. As you know, my husband's deployed to Iraq right now. Well, we got some bad news this week and while I can't go into detail, basically he's not going to be coming home as soon as he was supposed to. We've almost made it 7 months into this deployment and it just feels harder hitting a snag like this. I'm trying so hard to keep it together, especially around the kids, but I'm losing it honestly. I just want my husband back and my family to be together again. I know this is the life we signed up for, but that doesn't make it feel any better!

Keep on swimming!!

Well ya'll, I'd better start keeping up with this whole blogging thing a little better so I don't have to come in and write a novel like this each week!

Thanks to my readers for my very first comments! And for the recommendation on the vegan cheese! I'm happy to say that I did try the mozzarella flavored-follow your heart cheese and it was WAAAAY better than the cheddar flavored! Made for a great pizza!

Alright ya'll, 'night!

1 comment:

  1. i agree with your pleasure-eating mentality. i'm definitely working to try to get there without overdoing it. it's a process. i feel a lot better equipped to do it now than before, though. sometimes you need things like an ALMOST-tva (or moving locations) to whip you back into awareness.
