Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Sorry for being so absent, but I've had good reason---the hubs came home!! The kids and I are over the moon! We've been lazing around together on the weekends, enjoying family dinners, family drives, trips to the zoo and the park--it's been truly awesome having him back.

Now I have to admit--it is definitely an adjustment. I mean after 8+ months apart, we have to get reacquainted, sort out what responsibilities go to whom as far as the house and the kids go, figure out how we've both changed, and then deal with the everyday chaos that the military throws our way. It's a little exhausting!
Where I used to spend almost every day super busy, running errands, going to FRG meetings and events, spending time with friends, it's almost like everything slowed down to slow motion. One of my good friends up here is spending a month out of state with family, so it's weird not hanging with her daily. I'm not taking the kids to the sitter's as often since I have the hubby to help out with them and appointments and such. I'm home. My intentions are to get the house cleaned and dinner on the table, but I'm afraid my housewife motivation has left me. Donna Reed would be shaking a finger at me.

I'm totally working on it though! Promise! I'm making lists and taking small steps--a pot roast for dinner tonight and a rhubarb pie fresh out the oven (from the rhubarb plant in our backyard at that!). In my defense I did get that bug that has been going around the house this past week, and I've been awfully run down. So tomorrow I'm giving myself no excuses. It's house-cleaning boot camp day. Or something like that. I'm going to scrub the bathroom, bleach the kitchen, fold the laundry, and make the bed! It's a new day!

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