Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First day(s) of school

Another school year has begun! We're off to a great start. James started last Monday--my baby is now in the five-days-a-week preschool. He was super excited, armed with his new Star Wars lunchbox. He has had all "purple clips" (his class's good behavior system, purple means "you're having a good day", yellow means "you're not having a good day" and blue and green mean you're "ready to learn"). He cracks me up coming home saying all these big things like "I got 5 stars for making good choices!"
He loves his teacher and his class and still talks everyone's ear off. He's already assumed the position of "teacher's pet" and tells me all about the bad kids in the class. 

Riley started on Tuesday, and it couldn't have come any sooner! He was so disappointed when he didn't get to go to school on Monday like big brother, so I spent the morning entertaining him with fro-yo and train tables at the bookstore. He was still grateful when Tuesday got here and he could take his brand new Batman lunchbox and backpack to his own classroom.
He did so good! While the other little boys and girls cried and clung to their mommies, he went straight in like he owned the place, put his backpack and lunch in his cubby and went straight to playing. I had to actually ask for a good-bye kiss! It was a complete 180 from last year. He loves school and his teachers are always bragging on him when I pick him up. I was afraid he'd have to readjust or that 3 days a week would be too much, but it's just perfect. He's starting the actual curriculum now and loves getting to be one of the big kids.
I'm so proud of both of my boys! 

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