Saturday, March 30, 2013

One year

It's been a busy time. Moving. Traveling. Unpacking. Visitors. More traveling. Planning yet another move--albeit only a short one--and we haven't had time to spit. Military life with three kids doesn't exactly include a lot of down time, but it's definitely been one of those way crazier than usual times.
In the middle of all this chaos, Poppy had a birthday! Yep, my sweet girl is in toddler territory now. A year old.
She's eating table food entirely now and finally chunking up a little. We haven't even set up our medical care here yet, so we'll still have to wait to see how much she weighs now, but the bathroom scale is reading about 18lbs. She loves peaches and yogurt, bananas, strawberries (she even picked some herself when we went to a local u-pick farm here). She's finally eating some meat, but she still prefers her carbs--pasta, potatoes, bread--she eats her weight in those!
She's wearing the same 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers. Drinking like a champ from her sippy cup. She's starting some whole milk, but prefers the mom-made stuff. We're heading into weaning territory some days and others she's still jumping down my shirt.
She's talking, a few words anyway. She says bubba (brother), bye, hey, uh oh, dada, mama, nena, James, baby. She gives kisses and hugs if you ask for them, waves goodbye, blows kisses. She can pet the puppy (gently..mostly). She can also wrestle with and attack her brother, while growling (poor Riley takes most of the heat).
She's hilarious. She makes car sounds and growls and grunts, keeping up with her brothers. Where they go running, she's following loudly behind. She loves dancing and breaks it down whenever she hears a happy song. Her brothers love her so much. When we went to the beach Riley jumped around blocking her like a basketball player "so she won't go too close to the water". At the Easter egg hunt we went to today, when she only found one egg, both boys gave her one of theirs to put in her Easter basket.
She loves being the center of attention. And if I'm holding Riley or James is in my lap she comes right over and starts whining.
She loves socks and underwear. Seriously. My weird little child digs through piles of laundry (clean or dirty) , pulls them out and put them on her head or wears the socks as a scarf/shawl around the back of her neck. It's equally gross and hilarious.
She's still a water baby. Loves the beach. Didn't even fuss at the freezing ocean water washing over her toes or when a wave knocked her down in it (came out of nowhere!).
She's a great sleeper, down to only one nap a day (I really miss that second nap), usually from 11-1. It kind of sucks because the boys nap at 2 in the afternoon so I'm trying to work some merging naptimes magic. Some days it works, some not so much. But with the huge backyard here I can send the boys out to play while she's down, get some things done, and they're worn out by the afternoon and I get one on one time with her.
She's been adjusting really well to the constant wrench thrown into our routine. Made to be an army brat, just like the other two.
It's amazing how fast time has sped this last year. How much she's grown. How much they've all grown.
Happy (belated) birthday Poppy Jane. We love you so much.

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