Sunday, February 27, 2011

more good news

In addition to finally getting his school date for OCS, the hubs is getting promoted this next month! He's been working on it for years, but between training and deploying and changing his MOS, it's taken 5 years! I'm so proud of him and all his amazing accomplishments.
Now that it's less than 2 months til our move, its getting down to crunch time. And I'm a little bananas. I have 3 moving folders with just checklists and calendars, etc. I'm making menus to use up all our pantry/freezer goods and chucking stuff into salvation army boxes. I feel like I have a million things to do (because I do!). House-hunting on its own is a headache. Most of the houses that are currently posted will be gone by the time we get there, but if we wait til it's too late, we won't find anything. Plus we're debating on whether or not to live on post or off, and if we'll even qualify. whew.
On a fun note, we've been having a blast with our ballroom dancing lessons! We've learned the foxtrot and the waltz and this week we'll learn the swing! I'm looking forward to it the most. Thing one starts his art classes up next weekend, which I think will be right up his alley. He loves doing the "arts and craps" at storytime at the library (yes that's really what he calls it). Thing two has been a little under the weather lately. I think a mix of some bug going around and teething are the culprit. He's doing better now, but I'm concerned about his weight (he's only around 22 lbs at 18 months old), so I'm trying to fatten him up! He's much more vocal now, too.
We had some friends over last weekend for dinner and cards. We really need to have our friends over more--we always have a blast and finally get the house clean!

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