Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jason's weekend home

There were some happy boys in this house!
It was so good to have Jason home, even for just a couple days. I made him a homecooked steak dinner the first night home and was amazed at what got done, having help! Everyone was fed, kids were bathed, dishes were done, stories were told, kids were in bed--all before 8 that night! It was heavenly! We stayed up and had a nice makeshift "date-night" with ice cream and "No Strings Attached" on Movies on Demand.

We went shopping the next day and with Daddy there to help, finally got the boys' haircut! The woman who did James's was spot on, but the one who did Riley's was terrified that she was going to cut him and freaking out the whole time. Not comforting.

Either way, they left with shorter hair and lollipops.

We had lunch at Chilli's (Jason's favorite).

Played and read at Barnes and Noble, bought some unfinished chairs, and had some very worn out little boys when all was said and done.

We took it easy that evening. Stories, dancing, wrestling (and for mama--napping!).

Jason had to report back in Sunday morning, so we got up early and headed to Cracker Barrel for our traditional pancakes.

We enjoyed our last hoorah together, but there was still a dark cloud settled over us. It was hard to shake the reminder that he'd be gone for weeks more, especially now that his time in the course has been extended into the fall.

When we were leaving and Jason asked for the check, the waitress whispered to us that a nice gentleman a few tables away had taken care of it for us, which really made me tear up. It never ceases to amaze me, the kindness and generosity of the people down here.

As soon as we got home, Jason had to jump in his car and go. No time for teary goodbyes. The kids were really good about everything, James asked why daddy had to go back to soldier school a couple times, but he was understanding. He only demanded that we leave and go to grandma's house. He definitely has Granny's genes! Get in the car and go!

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