Monday, October 3, 2011

sewing, shopping, nesting

Early though it may be, I'm already getting in the nesting mood. I finally started my sewing projects (which have previously been put off due to wild children, serious energy drain, and much procrastination/laziness). I bought this quilt kit at JoAnn's a few weeks back. I finally stitched all the squares together--I'm loving the colors! I still have to sew on the batting/backing, but it's so close to being done. I also started--and finished--my nursing cover. I've never had one for either of the boys, sticking instead to the traditional receiving blanket, hiding out, or the second time around [I was braver and significantly less modest] nothing at all. I've seen cute ones on sale, but they're always around $30 and I'd rather spend half that + two hours of labor and just make it myself. Plus, I'm really proud of it!

Here's a better shot of the fabric. Love this 60s-ish print, found at Hobbie Lobby for 8.99 a yd + coupons!

This one isn't my creation--my mom made Halloween quilts and pillowcases for the boys. They love them! Riley points to his, saying "Ghost! Ghost! Boo!", excited to learn a new word. Now he also points out ghosts any time we're in the Halloween aisles or passing a festive house.

Quick baby update:

I had my 18-20 week hospital ultrasound today and baby girl (I had them double check--all girl! I've been reading to many google searches of ultrasound mistakes and wanted to make sure before I start throwing away receipts!) is growing! She's a bashful, stubborn little thing and made the poor tech spend an extra half hour trying to get a shot of her face while she had it covered with her hand. She wouldn't move it for anything! They had me turn on my side, then on my back, she wiggled the ultrasound wand against my belly trying to get her to move it and nothing! Finally, they were able to sneak a good shot in. The boys always kicked the wand off of them--she wiggled a little toward the end, but that was it. They also tried to kick the doppler (and in labor, the heart monitor) off, too, but she just ducks out of the way and hides. It's so funny the differences between them all. Things are moving excitingly fast!

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