Tuesday, September 27, 2011

first of fall + roadtrip

We hadn't planned on any Tennessee trips for a couple more weeks, but with upcoming doctor visits and other plans, this weekend just worked out better. My dad's birthday was Saturday, so we got to celebrate with him, the flea market was open, and it was the opening weekend at Owen Farm's fall festival.

There was soooo much to do! A little something for everyone.

Kellygoat, Grandma-sheep, and Dani-horse.

2 blondes + a corn maze. Yep, we got lost. Over and over again. Until we turned around and went back the way we came.

They shot out of that giant slide so fast! I thought they were going to shoot into the woods. I love that they have the exact same expression!

Dad and Kelly did the zipline--it looked like so much fun! The boys and I wanted to go too, but we had to opt out. Maybe in a couple years?

Hayride!Corn guns! The boys loved them. Shove ears of corn down there, aim, and press the button. They also had a pumpkin cannon!Sandboxes full of corn! The boys didn't like putting their bare feet in it though, something about the texture freaked them out.

James did love filling up the buckets with corn, though.

The four of us :)

Everything was a lot of fun! And everyone was so nice. All you have to do to get a ride on the tractor-barrel-train or a hayride was crawl in and sit down and someone was right there to take you. I'd love to take the kids back again and Jason too!

While I was in town, I went out to visit Emmy and baby Brody and help her with some wedding crafting.

A can of spray paint, trip to Walmart, a couple shakers of glitter and sticky handfuls of glue later, we finished off with 60+ glittered babyfood jars for votives.

The boys and I said our good-byes and left after noon Monday.

But not until after playing with Aunt Gee-Gee's dollhouse.

The trip started pretty smoothly, except that James had had a little too much juice and kept having to pee. Our first stop was the Ardmore, Alabama rocketship rest stop. The boys always get excited to pass the rocketship back and forth on our Tn trips, but since it's on the 65-South side, we only get to stop there and see it when we're heading back home.

It's so big, they're just fascinated. I wish you could still go up under there (you could back when I was little) but there was so much graffiti and whatever else, it's blocked off now.

The trees are just starting to change and the air is getting cooler. Fall is, by far, my favorite season! I'm so excited it's here!

1 comment:

  1. I am also uber excited that fall is here. I freaking love fall! I am very jealous you got to go to the autumn festival. That looks so awesome. Brodybear is getting so big! I haven't seen a recent picture of him. Emmy looks awesome too! I'm glad you guys had so much fun.
