Friday, October 26, 2012

8 months

Wanna hear something crazy? Our little Pop-star is 8 months old this week!
She is on the go, as always.
She's taken up to 3 steps.
Has two teeth!
As soon as I said "no sign of teeth" last month, I jinxed myself and in they came.
She's saying "dada" "mama" and I'm pretty sure I've heard "hey" and "no", too.
She's my runner baby. Whenever I put her in the jogging stroller for a morning run on days that the boys are in school, she's asleep within the first half mile. Won't stir until I stop. As Kelly and I discovered during her recent visit with us, the same does not go for walking. 
Also during our visit with "Aunt GeeGee", we got her first pair of boots. And second. And a cute little pair of grey mary-janes, too. What? She's practically walking anyway. Girlfriends needs some cute kicks. 
Babyfood is hit and miss. She was really into it for a while, eating just about anything I offered. Which was a huge leap from her flat-out refusing to eat anything that didn't come from a boob. Now she's not as interested. Even in real foods anymore. 
I think she's just going to go straight to a cup. I'm pretty much giving up the hope that she'll ever take a bottle.
She's eating though. 
Just whatever she's in the mood for.
And growing. 
Those long legs and limbs. 
Whenever I walk her around to get her to sleep at naptime or bedtime and catch a glimpse of us in the bedroom mirror, she just hangs down, all sprawled out. 
I can't believe how big she is!
She's not as roly poly as James was.
She moves around so much, she's been burning off her baby fat since she was 5 months old!
But boy is she long!
Wearing size 3 diapers and mostly 12 month size clothes.
She's still alllll girl.
Some days she is so serious and will not smile at anyone for anything.
Not unhappy, just serious.
Other days, she eats up all the attention that is constantly being lavished on her and giggles and smiles.
She's such a flirt.
She gets moody and sets her own schedule.
If she's tired, then she needs to sleep RIGHT NOW.
There is no waiting till after bath or story or dinner time.
She means now!
She's a great shopper.
Super laid back.
Loves her daddy and brothers.
She'll be "one of the boys" when she gets older.
No matter how long Jason's been away, in the field or whatever, she knows exactly who he is when he comes through that door.
She just grins and wants to be around him for the rest of the day.
She does the same thing with James when he comes home from school.

I'm so excited to celebrate all her firsts this month. First Halloween, first costume, first trick-or-treat, first pumpkin carving, first hay ride, first pile of leaves to play in. She's small enough that she's not really playing a huge role in most of it, but big enough that she's not sleeping through it either. She's in such a fun stage right now. Teething sucks, but isn't as rough as I remember it being with the boys. Her sleep schedule is mellowing out. She's moving and playing. She's always exploring. She's hitting these milestones and firsts and I just want to soak it all up!

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