Monday, December 10, 2012

9 months

9 months old.

And all personality.

Poppy is walking (running).
Waves like Miss America. Constantly.
She loves playing outside, eating ice cream sandwiches, stealing toys from her brothers, napping, playing peek-a-boo, and singing.
She is 28 inches long and 16.5 lbs.
Her pediatrician fussed at me about her weight, so she's on a cereal-heavy diet for the next month till she goes back in for a weight check.
She's wearing 12 month size clothes, size 3 diapers.
She's a tiny, petite little thing, but I feel like she's longer than her brothers were.
Those two bottom teeth are the only ones that have popped through so far.
I worry that she'll be a terror when the others head out.
She naps twice a day, around 10:30 in the morning for an hour and two hours in the afternoon when the boys nap. Then she's in bed right after them at 8-8:30.
She guzzles those babyfood pouches. 
She also eats mashed potatoes, cheese cubes, yogurt, green beans, macaroni and cheese, gerber puffs and melts, and sweet potatoes.
She drinks water and some pear juice (not a fan) out of her sippy cup.
Bottles are a lost cause. That's okay by me.
We're about to move her into the "big" convertible carseat. The infant Pooh bear one expires this month, so it's time. I'm going to be so sad to have to get rid of it. It's brought home all three babies and been through so many car trips and big parts of our life. 
She hates bows, hats, and anything I put on her head. But she looks soooo cute in them.
She's mommy's girl. She loves snuggling with her daddy, but she's hitting that separation anxiety stage where she gets shy with friends and strangers and just wants her mama.
She loves pulling all the alphabet magnets off the fridge.
She growls at and tries to rough-house with her brothers.
Fits right in with the boys.
Any time we sing Christmas carols she starts "singing" right along with us.
She can wave good bye.
She gets mad at the boys and hollers at them when they don't share their ice cream cones. 
If we leave the room, they sneak her bites.
She likes Nena, as long as she doesn't bark or make any kind of noise.
If Nena makes any sound, Poppy starts shaking and making faces and whining. She does the same thing when the vacuum's on.

Poppy, you're so much fun.

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