Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday swimming

Yesterday I was feeling bluesy since we haven't really gotten to see anyone or do anything fun since we've been back home. Weekends are the worst when Jason is gone because everyone else is with their families, spending time together. I usually waste the weekend being lazy, occasionally get some housework done if we've had a busy week, and anticipate the fun starting Monday. Luckily, my wonderful neighbor, Jenna texted me this morning while I was cleaning house and invited us over to go swimming! After lunch we put swim shorts on, stuck Riley in the stroller and down the street we went!
This visit was much smoother as far as the boys getting along. They shared (with only a few small spats over toys) and played and had a grand ol time. Riley entertained himself, as usual.
Note: he is not sunburned. He is a human thermometer like me and turns tomato red whenever he steps out in the heat. I had a little old man fuss at me to put sunscreen on him the other day at the beach and I promised him that I had.

Andrew and James are getting to be closer buddies now and chased each other around the yard on the 4-wheeler, with waterguns and pretended to "fight" the toy sharks in the pool.

When the 4-wheeler was all charged up, James hopped on it like it was nothing and whipped it around the yard. I just wish he'd watch where he's going.

Riley mostly kept to himself, so he wouldn't get run over by the older two. He was perfectly content to just play with his little watergun and splash in the pool.

We had a great afternoon over there and it wore everyone out enough to take a good nap. Now I just need to finish cleaning my house and get a kiddie pool to prop up in the backyard and have them over!

1 comment:

  1. I need a kiddie pool...but for my dog obviously. And maybe me
