Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where we've been all week

Thanks to some google searching I found a women's fitness center close by that offers childcare! Even on Saturdays and evenings! It was cheaper than the Y, more daycare hours available, and the group classes are free to members. So we went to tour it on Monday morning. It's an older, small building, completely female-run and occupied. It wasn't too crowded and I didn't have to compete with grunting soldiers for equipment (like at the gyms on post) and the kids actually really liked the daycare (they didn't even want to come home with me the first day!), so we signed up and have been everyday since. Tonight I got a free session with one of the personal trainers, which went really well and was nice and informative.
Since all the moving craziness, exercise and diet have fallen by the wayside. Stress, poor choices, laziness, exhaustion, general chaos, vacation. Before I knew it I had gotten really out of shape and I've been feeling it lately. I've been meaning to join something since we moved in, but it never felt like the right time. Either I was to lazy to find something, or we were going out of town, or Jason was about to leave. So now. No more excuses. It feels good to get back on track, or at least to be heading that way. Since we got back from our latest trip and Jason's gone, I really want to make an effort to get in shape, not necessarily to lose weight, but to get healthier. I'm also planning on running a 5k either at the end of July (can you believe it's only days away??) or early August. Running has been something that comes naturally, and I've been doing lots of it this week. I could probably bump it up to a race mid-month July, but I'd like to do one when my sister comes to visit.
My one concern with racing is the kids. I still don't have a babysitter (which I need to find soon), so I'll probably be running with a stroller. I have a million strollers, but the one double we have is not running-friendly. We have a jogging stroller but it's a single. Dilemma.
I've found a double jogger that's on sale through target, has good reviews, and isn't ridiculously expensive that I'm debating on. Maybe put the single jogger on craigslist and put the money towards the double?

All our swim-time with our neighbors and friends has gotten James to start begging me to get him a pool. Jenna's new one was on sale at Walmart so after the gym we checked it out. We ended up coming home with it, and a fancy slip-n-slide thing ($12 a TJ Maxx!). James was so excited about swimming and "slippy sliding" today, so I got up and started trying to blow everything up. Without a pump. I couldn't even get the small tunnel part blown up on the slip-n-slide! I tried to dig out my air mattress pump (which, unlike our air mattress, actually works) but the attachment to use on those tiny blow up parts was MIA, so no luck. We'll have to make yet another trip to Walmart in the morning to get a pump for it so my poor kid can play outside. Fortunately, the yard guys come tomorrow, so the yard won't be a jungle anymore!

It's hard to believe that the 4th of July is already here! I'm hoping we'll get to go to some of the fireworks shows either on post or at Callaway Gardens with our neighbors. I'm still trying to get my house clean (struggle) so we can have them over to play. Maybe by Sunday we'll have everything clean, mowed, and water toys blown up and do some burgers or something? As long as we don't spend the holiday alone, I'll be happy!

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