Monday, September 19, 2011

16 weeks update

How far along: 16 weeks, 3 days--but measuring 3 days ahead (according to Friday's ultrasound)

Size of baby: according to the size of an avocado!

Baby's heartrate: 154 bpm

Weight gain/loss: 3 lbs

Gender: found out Friday, it's a girl!!

Movement: this is my lazy baby! I've felt a few flutters, but she's pretty mellow.

Cravings: I've been eating a ton of yogurt and fruit. I looooove kefir. I can't stomach any cream-based sauces or red meat/heavy meals. I don't know if it's craving/aversion related, or just from all the morning sickness triggers.

Symptoms: In the past week or so, I've started having a few bouts of nausea all over again. Running has slowed to jogging and I get ligament pains from it, so one of my friends passed her maternity support belt on to me. Sleeping on my stomach/back is starting to get uncomfortable. Nosebleeds. Peeing all the time. Feeling pretty good for the most part. Coasting through the second trimester!

Best moment so far: We had an ultrasound done this past Friday at a place in town to find out the gender. We're soooo excited about our little girl! Riley's oblivious to everything, but loved the u/s because the girls there gave him suckers and tootsie rolls. James tells everyone about seeing the baby in mommy's belly and how he wants to name her "Cookies"!

I had an actual doctor's appointment today and when I got back home from it, he was asking if the doctor took the baby out of my belly. I'll totally admit I've already done some shopping and I've got plans for my sewing room for a quilt, taggie blanket, and a nursing cover! I've got a million other projects I haven't finished for the boys, too, that I need to work on. I think my biggest pregnancy symptom has been creativity! I was awful ambitious when Riley was in my belly too.

I'm a lot more confident about this pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Riley I was terrified about the transition from one to two, but this time, two-to-three doesn't sound so scary. I'm a little afraid of how the transition will be on Riley since he's my mama's boy. I can't say how things will be til they get here, but I think we'll be fine.

We have a name in the works that we're pretty sure of, but we're not making any announcements or final decisions for a while.

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