Saturday, September 10, 2011

may you stay forever young

If I'd had time to sit down and think about it, I would have cried my eyes out. Two. It's been two whole years since this little boy came into the world. 8 lbs 6 oz, 8:12 am. Looked just like his big brother. It was already getting cold outside and the pumpkin spice lattes had just come out at Starbucks (Jason brought me a celebratory one in the hospital--coffee made me too nauseous to drink it while I was pregnant). James wasn't even two yet. Now I have two running, jumping, talking little people to keep me on my toes. Where did my babies go?

We had a really good turn out for the party today. I was up til 2 am the night before baking cupcakes and hanging streamers and tissue pom poms.

The great thing about having a Scooby Doo party is 1. I could reuse all the decorations from James's party last year and 2. Halloween decorations double as Scooby Doo decorations! Score.

Magnolia Bakery's vanilla cupcakes and green buttercream icing. I finally got to use the William's Sonoma cupcake wrapper/toppers I got from my mom-in-law for my last birthday.

I wish I'd gotten the candle-blowing on camera, but it was a little crazy...

Several of the playgroup girls showed up, poor Lucy was the only little girl there and the boys kept torturing her. Well, I should specify--my son kept terrifying her by making crazy noises and shouting at her.

Sweet blonde birthday boy loved his cupcake.

Our neighbors, Jason and his son Andrew came by, too. Bless his heart for hanging around our hen party! Jenna came later when her flight got in from Texas. Swimming in the estrogen ocean and dropping by the party after a long flight and little sleep--those are some good friends!

Baby boy got lots of fun gifts from our sweet friends.

By the time he got down to the last couple gifts, he'd lost interest in unwrapping and just wanted to play with the things.

Gotta love wrapping paper vomit!

Lucy with vampire teeth!

After the party guests left and some of the mess was picked up, Riley wanted to go back outside to play, so play we did.

We played bounce-tag, ring-around-the-rosies, and jumped to our little hearts content.

And yes I got my goofy, pregnant butt in there too.

It was a blast!

My son, the werewolf.

Took a break from bouncing to blow bubbles.

Decorated the sidewalk and driveway in chalk. I drew pictures and the boys colored them!

Now I have a colorful driveway, a deflated bouncy house in my yard (being picked up tomorrow morning, sadly), a belly full of finger food and green cupcakes, trash bags full of wrapping and tissue paper in the garage, a whole new pile of toys to trip over in the living room, a million balloons all over the floor, about 10+ mosquito bites on my legs from spending the whole day outside, two very tired boys in bed, a bunch of leftovers, and an exhaustion so intense that I'm literally too tired to sleep. It was such a good time. Worth all the time and energy and sleeplessness. Not sure I want to do it again---but fun.

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