Friday, March 16, 2012

Three weeks old

Our little princess is three weeks old! She's grow grow growing, I'm estimating above 10 lbs now. She's busting out of all her newborn sized clothes, so it looks like I'll be packing those up soon--if I can muster up the courage to see it all go. She's in a size one diaper and 0-3 mos size clothes. I'll probably go ahead and start washing the size 3 month outfits.
It's incredible to watch her grow--it's record speed these days. Her neck/head control is getting stronger and she's holding it up during tummy time for minutes at a time. She's a smiler! She grins at her brothers, she smiles at me and her daddy. When she's looking at our faces she goes cross-eyed as she tries to focus, but that's getting better, too. She makes happy squeaks and "giggles" in her sleep. When you tickle her foot she "grabs" your finger with her toes (Riley always did that). Her eyes are getting bluer and she has dimples in her elbows. I looked over the boys' baby pictures and she is a spitting image of James (and Jason). She has days where she has long awake periods and growth spurts where she sleeps all day and night. When she's awake she demands to be entertained. She's not one too get over-stimulated--she loves people and sounds and lights. She's sleeping great, as long as we put her down early enough. After 10 or so she starts to get overtired and cranky. As long as we start the bedtime routine at 9:30 with a bath (a real bath now that her umbilical stump fell off), lotion and pajamas, then she eats and she'll fall asleep on my lap on the boppy. After she's been asleep for 15-20 minutes and she's really out, I'll move her and she'll sleep from 10:30 or 11 til about 4-4:30 in the morning. Then she eats and goes back to sleep til anywhere between 6-8. On school days, she tends to wake up at 7, right before my alarm goes off. It works out perfectly for getting her fed and changed and everyone else ready in time. Since Jason's back at school/work now, I'm on my own in the mornings and afternoons for school drop off, which is going well so far. Riley's out of his routine again since Jason was taking him to school and the baby's here, so we're having some issues with him not wanting to go into his classroom again.

I've been out with all three just about every day this week and it's going well for the most part. It's a juggling act, but so far the boys are understanding and cooperate for me. I was always super nervous to take James out anywhere when he was a baby, especially when he was as young as Poppy is now. Then when Riley came along, I was more comfortable taking the kids places, but when I had to do it by myself I was terrified. Now I'm just trying to keep up with all our social lives. I've got to wear these kids out! So everywhere we go, we file out of our small SUV, like it's a clown car. Then we walk, baby in her carrier carseat or more often in the wrap carrier, and me holding Riley's hand and Riley holding James's hand. The looks and comments have been entertaining. There's wide eyes and gaping mouths. We'll hear, "Wow!" "That's a lot of kids!" "I go crazy with one/two [kids]". But when my kids are holding my hand and behaving themselves, following directions the first time I ask them, calmly, I am just proud. It doesn't happen every time, but it does often. And I know that even though all these strangers think I'm a glutton for punishment having three small children, so close together in age, they have to be at least a little impressed, too.

Poppy just fits right into our little adventures.

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