Friday, March 9, 2012

Two weeks old

Poppy girl is two weeks old now! Time seems to be going even faster than it did when I was pregnant. She had her check-up Thursday and is growing great, up to 9lb 1 1/2oz now. She started getting a diaper rash and stuffy nose in the past few days, but everything else is golden. She's eating every two to three hours during the day and starting to sleep longer stretches at night--5 hours last night! Woohoo! She's currently snuggled up, propped up in our bed with Jason and me hugging the edge because she can't breathe laying flat--which we learned last night in the two hours it took to get her to sleep last night before that glorious 5 hour stretch, whew! She started showing a little more head control this week and is up and alert more during the day, but she slept most of today which i'm suspecting may be a growth spurt.
We're working out the kinks in nursing--which kind of suck the first few weeks . A mild case of mastitis, some antibiotics (that I'm stuck taking for ten days), gel pads, tubes of lanolin, and a thousand dirty burp cloths later things are feeling more normal. I tell you what I have used the most this time around that I've never used with the boys is the nursing cover! I never had one til I made this one and between all the trips to the hospital and all the parking lots I've had to feed her in in the past week, I've been wearing it out! It's so much more convenient than those tiny flannel receiving blankets.
Haven't started cloth diapering her yet but we've gotten so many disposables as gifts and been out of the house so much that it hasn't been practical. I also don't really have the time or energy to add to our ever growing list of chores or laundry pile. She's up to a size one and already busting out of her newborn size clothes.
My parents are visiting this weekend and it's nice to have some help with the boys and the house. They're in love with her already, but who could resist? Jason started back to work this week so Thursday was my first time juggling all three kids by myself period, in public at that. I'm happy to say it went smoothly and James was excited to show his baby off to his teachers and friends at school. Jason started airborne school this week/end, which is not ideal timing but an exciting opportunity for him and something he's wanted to do for a while. I'm not thrilled about being mostly on my own for three weeks with a preschooler a toddler and a newborn, but I have no doubt that I can handle it. The boys are still doing great with Poppy, but the rock in our routine has them shaken up a bit. Riley has started having bad dreams and waking up in the middle of the night, which wakes James up and then I'm up with all three. There have been some tantrums and struggles but I'm trying to be flexible and patient and keep in mind that even the hard parts are over quickly. I find that when it's just me and I explain that I need them to be good and help me out, they do. They know there are some things I can't do and if there's anything they can do for their sister they are on it. But it's hard being little and having things change all the time.
I'm still healing well, but I tend to forget I just had a baby two weeks ago and it's easy to overdo it, especially when everything is up to me. I'm definitely feeling more myself this week and getting restless. I've enjoyed getting out of the house this week, regaining my driving privileges, seeing friends. I want to be able to go back to the gym and start running again, but those will have to wait a bit. I'm ten pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight and eager to drop the rest (and then some hopefully!) and break out normal clothes again. Oh and I'm still eating the heck out of some ritz crackers! Go figure.
Three weeks will be here in a blink and before we know it, a month will have passed by. I'm begging time to slow down but there is no mercy. I'm loving watching this little girl grow up. She just fits right in and completes our family and I already can't imagine us without her.

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