Friday, March 2, 2012

One week old

Happy due date, Poppy Jane!
Our sweet girl is one week old today! Here's what she's been up to:
After three days in a row of early visits to the hospital for bilirubin labwork, she got to celebrate her one week "birthday" by sleeping in and not getting her poor little heels stuck. It's been awfully cloudy all week, and her counts kept going up. After the count was up to 16.9 on Wednesday and things were feeling particularly grim, the sun poked out of the clouds as soon as we got home. I sat with her in front of the bedroom window for two hours. I nursed her in front of the window, I changed her diaper in front of the window (thank goodness for privacy fences, or my neighbors might have gotten a show). I put her in the bouncy seat on vibrate, while I laid on a nest of pillows at her side with sunglasses on. We sat there for two hours and sure enough it paid off! Thursday morning the practitioner greeted us in the exam room with "14.1!" and my sister (who I've been lucky enough to have around to drive us to those appointments all week--even if her driving is a little erratic..haha) and I breathed a collective sigh of relief.
Poppy is still nursing great, going two-to-three hour stretches between feedings, mostly three hour stretches at night. As soon as she's eaten at night, she goes right back to sleep, with no problems. She's not a sucker--may be the only one of my children to not take a pacifier. She's growing fast, like newborns do. She should be just about back to her birthweight at this point (she was a little over 8 lbs at her last dr visit).
Since her jaundice is improving, I've noticed her more alert and having longer awake periods. When her eyes are open, she'll turn her head to follow her daddy's and brothers' voices. She loves watching them! She also makes this little "ooooh" face with her mouth in an "o", lips puckered up. She's such a happy little girl. She likes being swaddled, sometimes, but also like her arms free and tends to kick her blankets off. She sleeps great in her co-sleeper at night, but if I put her in it during the day she tends to wake up if I set her down in it. She makes precious little expressions, but I have yet to see her scowl.
We made our first outting as a family of five to Chill, a frozen yogurt place in town. Filing into the restaurant, we got some funny looks from the other customers. Inside we got lots of sweet compliments on our beautiful children and good-for-us-for-getting-out-of-the-house-with-a-one-week-old-baby. Everybody behaved themselves and Poppy slept the whole time in her carseat.
I'm recovering pretty well from the c-section. It's been a week, so things are healing up and I'm feeling a little more myself. I'm still a little sore, especially after all the going back and forth to the hospital all week. I'm exhausted (lucky I have a good little napper!). Oh and hungry--ravenous actually. And you know what I wanted desperately, even in the hospital? Crackers. No kidding. I'm still eating them (maybe not as much...maybe..). But overall recovery has been much easier with each baby.
For now, it's getting late and I'm sore and tired and have a sweet, sleeping baby next to me. So it's bedtime around here.
Poppy, we are so blessed to have you in our family! Your brothers, daddy, and I just love you so much. We can't get enough. You are such a easy, perfect baby. Don't grow up too fast, okay?

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