Monday, May 9, 2011

Exploring and playing

We took off to post and did some exploring there and around the area this afternoon. Right off of our street we found this huuuuge park! It has a rec center, aerobics and weight rooms, track, football and baseball fields, and a public pool that will be open by the end of this month! How fantastic is it to have these resources so close to us? The search for a pool to take the kids to this summer is over!

There are beautiful magnolia trees everywhere! This picture doesn't do them justice.

Giant Mayfield cow outside the commissary.

Bus stop

One of the beautiful post chapels.

Ginormous house on post, just beautiful.

Some of the housing on post.

Horse x-ing at the hunt club.


Jason stopped by the barber shop to get a trim. The boys were ever so patient...

At least they were when the nice barber gave them suckers.

The moving and adjusting has been hard on James. He's throwing more screaming tantrums and wetting the bed, which he hadn't done in a long time. Bedtime has been a big issue lately, where he screams and refuses to get into bed and keeps Riley up. I'm trying to make a point of it to spend more fun time with him. We all had a few rounds of duck-duck-goose to get everybody's energy spent before stories tonight.

Tickle fight! [please excuse the chaos! we're totally working on the kids' room tomorrow!]

Whenever I have the camera out, Riley starts saying "Cheese!" and gets right up in the lens.

James looks so much like Jason, it's scary!

What happened to my baby? When did he become this little grown-up kid?

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE mayfield!!!! best chocolate ice cream on the planet, hands down. and TICKLE CRABS! James does look so much like Jason. I can't wait to visit y'all!
