Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all you mamas out there! Make sure you go out and give your own mamas and grannies a hug a kiss or a phone call.

First, I want to celebrate all the great moms in my life. This is my mom with the grandbabies. She's been a fantastic mother to my sister and me and a wonderful grandmother to my boys. She's always baking the best cookies, sewing clothes and quilts, taking the boys to play in the mud puddles and dirt, snagging the best flea market and quilt show finds, and she's probably the sweetest, most polite person you'll ever meet. I love you mom!

Here is my [more] mom [than] in law, coloring with James. She raised 3 boys, dealt with the Army, went on to finish her degree (and get her Masters!), and does everything stylishly! She's a fantastic role model, a great source to go to when I have a question or need to vent, and she always blooms where she is planted. I love you, mom!
This is my Granny. She knows everybody and everything about everybody. She never meets a stranger! She's always taking the grandkids and great-grandkids to ballgames and Chuck-e-Cheese and out for hamburgers. She can make a holiday out of any day and will send presents for them all. She's always mailing me articles from the paper when my friends get married and coupons for diapers. You know that she loves her grandchildren and dotes on them every chance she gets. Breakfast at her house on Christmas and New Years are the best parts of the holidays. I love you, Granny!

And last, but not least, this is Nanny with Jason. Nanny is probably the cheeriest person in the world. I've never seen her without a smile on her face. Like Granny, she's never met a stranger, and when the two of them get on the phone they talk like they've been friends forever, even though they've never met in person! She's a wonderfully sweet, generous person who loves her grandchildren and great-grandbabies. She's always there to help out when anyone needs it, and makes sure we can fly down to see everybody when Jason's on leave. She's always out and about and says the funniest things. She definitely spreads the cheer wherever she goes. I love you, Nanny!

And here I am with the boys, today. I got some beautiful lillies and a barnes and nobles card from them (and Jason!).

We went out shopping today, to celebrate. We intended to go out to eat, but stopped at Sonic instead because the boys were cranky and every nice restaurant had a mile-long line. I'm so excited to get my cherry limeade fix! (we didn't have sonic, or anything really, in NY)

I stopped at Old Navy to hit up their shorts sale, for our upcoming beach vacation and ended up finding a cute pair of white cuffed shorts and a swimsuit too (even though I vowed not to buy anymore this summer...oops!).

We stopped at the Marble Slab Creamery and grabbed some ice cream after shopping and brought home two wiped out boys (after a few temper tantrums--wouldn't be mother's day without them, right?).

Today is a good reminder to count my blessings. I'm blessed with two beautiful, smart, clever little boys that bring joy to my life every day. Even the tantrums, the mischief, the stains, the messes. It all makes up the big picture. I'm blessed with fantastic moms and grandmothers who have all been a guiding light for me. I couldn't do any of this without them.

Happy Mother's Day, ya'll!

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