Friday, January 20, 2012

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks

Weight gain? down a couple this week to 22 lbs total--it's fluctuating between water-weight gain

Sleep? It's hit or miss. Some nights I toss and turn and can't get to sleep til 1 or 3, some nights I'm so tired I could take a nap in the afternoon and sleep straight through the night. It's hard to get comfortable, so I sleep in nest of pillows. I still have to get up several times to pee, which just keeps getting worse as she gets bigger.

Movement? She's been getting hiccups several times a day and she hates to stay in one spot, so I always feel them somewhere new. She just can't get comfortable, so she's always on the go. She keeps spinning and turning around, so most of her movements are her shifting around, but there's still an occasional elbow jab or kick.

Symptoms? I've got the "end of pregnancy" crazy going on. My hormones are all out of whack again, so I'm nauseous, moody, breaking out, and energy is hard to come by. I've been trying to frequent the gym a little more and get my energy up, which works...sometimes. Some days it just makes me more tired. Working out has improved my back and knee pain tremendously though! There's a lot of pressure/pain in my ribs and stomach, which is probably where most of the nausea is coming from. It's hard/impossible to eat a big meal. Oh and I've been nesting like a madwoman.

Cravings? I've still been eating my weight in ritz crackers. Like a ridiculous amount of ritz crackers. Jason's craving oreos :)

Best moment this week? Getting baby-stuff shopping and sewing done. Oh and I love her hiccups! They're not violent like some of the kicks, and rhythmic, and James thinks its hilarious. He's still in such a hurry for her to get here! It must seem like he's been waiting forever, to him. He loves buying baby stuff and going through every thing. His involvement this time has just been such fun!

Looking forward to? getting all the final touches done in the nursery and around the house/car/etc. It's just getting here so fast. In 3 weeks, I'll be considered full-term, and in 5 weeks I'll be checking into delivery. As uncomfortable as the end is, I kind of wish I had more time.

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