Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Resolutions/goals/intentions + a quick baby update

This year, I'm downsizing my resolutions. While I love to write a list a mile long of all the things I'm going to accomplish or change throughout the new year, it's much more practical to shorten and specify my list so it's more doable.

1. Find and attend a good church.
2. Start gym-going, regularly (2-3 times per week). Obviously having a baby will be an issue, but until she's here and once she's 6 weeks+, I don't have an excuse. I have the membership, I need to use it.
3. Put away money in a roth IRA. I've been putting this one off for too long. I'd like to save at least $300-500 a month.
4. Do some kind of volunteer work. Red cross? Humane society? ACS? Church? Toys for Tots? Something.
5. Nurture my relationships. Play with my kids, date my husband, spend time with my friends and family.
6. Run a 5k, 10k, maybe a half marathon? Just a race, period.

And that's what's important. Of course I have little goals like keep a cleaner house, cook more often, take a vacation, do some sewing, read often, be appreciative, lose the baby weight, learn more sign language, etc. But I'd rather focus on the important ones and aim for the others as they come.

Baby stuff:
I'm starting to break into the nesting-sweat now that delivery day is nearing. I've come up with all these sewing projects, some I probably won't do, but I would like to do as much as I can squeeze in. We're also working on the nursery, which is currently the sewing/craft/office/junk room/catch-all. It seems impossible to find a home for everything and make space, but at my sister's suggestion, I'm just salting the crap out of this elephant so I can eat it.

I had my 31-32 week appointment this morning and everything's going swimmingly! I'm a very boring OB patient (which is a great thing)!
I don't have another bump picture--but here's a quick update:
-how far along? 31 weeks, 5 days
-weight gain: 25
-baby's heartrate: 145 bpm--she seems to hang out there.
-movement: she's bouncing around and really active. I think she's hanging out sideways (both boys were head-down around 25-29 weeks, but not Poppy!).
-best moment so far? scheduling delivery!
-looking forward to? Um, having her?? I'm so excited that we're up on the calendar and delivery day is officially Feb 24! So exactly 7 weeks from Friday, we're going to be having a baby :)
I just picked up some fabric and some other goodies to fix up her room with, so we've got 7 weeks to get busy before she's here. I feel like there are a million things to do all of a sudden and I'm a little overwhelmed. Luckily, since my pregnancy is laid back they're not seeing me again for another 4 weeks, so I have 3 Wednesdays to myself while both kiddos are at school/mother's day out where I can do some sewing, get a pregnancy massage, or whatever!

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