Thursday, January 26, 2012

January happenings

It's hard to believe February is only days away! Even though it's January around here, winter seems to have skipped us altogether and most days I could swear it's really April. It's been hovering around 70 degrees, and on the sunniest days I've ventured out in tank tops and flip flops. It's fabulous!!
Jason's work schedule is a little unpredictable while he waits to start Armor school and on some days he's gotten off fairly early. It's great having him around to help and the boys love having Daddy wrestle around with them and take them outside. He's been painting our new bookcase he built so we can move all our books onto it, while the boys have been playing around the backyard.

I love that they can play outside! We never got to play outside in January, in New York. At least not for long and we were so bundled up that there wasn't a whole lot of moving around.

The boys have been stuck together like glue lately. They've always been close (one of the many perks of having kids so close in age), but I've noticed an especially close comraderie in the past few weeks. Maybe it's the baby's pending arrival? Maybe it's just that Daddy's been home to play and the testosterone seems to pool together? Whatever the reason, they're joined at the hip, and they really like stripping down to underwear/diaper and running around like wild animals.

Most days when James is in school, Riley and I head to the gym. He's back in his routine now and doesn't throw a fit when I drop him off at daycare or at school (thank God!). When we pull into the parking lot he says, "Play??". When we leave and get home, he "helps" me make a blueberry-banana-spinach smoothie by pushing the button on the blender. He only likes to drink it if he's sharing mine.

He's the sweetest little boy. I bit my tongue while eating my lunch and he ran to the garage and pounded on the door until Jason came in, then he led him over to me to tell him I was hurt. These boys sure look out for their mama! haha

He loves to pull out baby clothes and say "Awwwww!". He's starting to get the concept of the baby coming a little more. Slowly. Kind of. He currently thinks there's a poppy flower in my belly and a baby in his.

James's class had pajama day at school, so of course he had to wear his new space pajamas with footies. When I dropped him off this morning, he was telling the teachers all about how they light up in the dark and that Santa brought them to him. They had a "waffle breakfast" for their lunch time and watched a movie. When I came to pick him up, his eyes were tired and red-rimmed. I asked if he fell asleep and he said he did. Then he fell asleep on the ride home. And even after an hour and a half nap, he was cranky because he "didn't sleep good". Apparently there's nothing like a party in your pj's to put this boy in the mood for a nap!

It's officially less than a month till baby girl is here (4 weeks from tomorrow!) and we're all in nesting mode now. Jason and I have been cleaning the nursery out and packing things up to find places for them. All the de-cluttering makes me feel like we're moving again! Hopefully I can get it looking right in the next week or two and can devote a post to baby room pictures.

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