Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bean burrito with pico and avocado

When I've dabbled in veganism before, I tend to fall into a trap of veggie burgers and peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. Now that I've decided to make vegan living a permanent thing, I'm trying to get creative!
Here is yesterday's lunch: Vegetarian refried beans, chopped avocado and romaine and pico de gallo (chopped campari tomatoes and yellow cherry tomatoes and onion with chilli powder, garlic salt, and a squeeze of lime juice) on a tortilla! Yum :)
(You'll have to forgive my horrible-amateur-cellphone-photography)
Moving is . . .well, going. Its kind of like a giant game of real-life tetris. You have to find an item with the exact shape to fit in the odd gaps in the moving boxes, without it being too heavy and still be able to tape it shut. Then you have to tetris all the boxes and furniture onto the moving truck! Neverending.

1 comment:

  1. i love the tetris analogy! and yo' food be lookin' GOOD.
