Wednesday, February 1, 2012

36 weeks

Feet are down there somewhere

How far along? 35 weeks, 5 days

How big is baby? close to 5 lbs about the size of a coconut

Weight gain? A whopping 29 lbs. eesh

Heartrate? She was dancing around at 155 bpm today

Sleep? Caught the boys' cold this week, so sleep isn't so good right now. Otherwise, things are okay. Pretty uncomfortable and have to get up and pee a thousand times a night. I've been sleeping on a nest of pillows and I'm so exhausted that I can usually squeeze in a few hours at least.

Symptoms? I'm pretty sure she's dropped. Heartburn is gone (woohoo!), she's not on my ribs as much, and I have to make a bathroom stop everywhere I go. I'm having some hip pain and Braxton hicks are a little stronger and more noticeable, but nothing regular. Everything's going great for the most part.

Movement? Slowing down a little since she's running out of room, but she still likes to spin occasionally. She still gets hiccups, but not as often (maybe only once a day now). If she's having a lazy day, all I have to do is tickle her foot and she immediately starts dancing.

Cravings? Take a guess. Yep, still eating my weight in Ritz crackers. Pretty sure I'm never going to want to see another cracker again after this.

Name? Poppy Jane

Best moment this week? When I went to pick Riley up from school today, his teachers told me he had been carrying around a toy phone and talking to "baby". He does that to my belly, too. And the other day she got hiccups and both the boys took turns putting their hand on my belly so they could feel it.

Looking forward to? Poppy will be here 3 weeks from Friday! Time isn't slowing down any. I'm hoping she's not in any hurry to get here before the 24th. I'm looking forward to finishing up the last couple sewing projects, getting over this cold, and spending some quality snuggle time with the boys before the new addition arrives.

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