Tuesday, May 29, 2012

3 months

Poppy is 3 months old now!
After many requests (and semi-guilt trips) I had some baby pictures done by my lovely friend, Crystal (she photographed my shower, too). Despite the awkward 3-month-old phase, they turned out beautifully. This is one of my absolute favorites of the bunch.
It blows my mind that my tiny little girl has gotten so big!
She's a smiler and giggler.
She still hates having her picture taken, though. 
Wearing size 2 diapers (about to move up into 3's soon) and 6 month sized clothes (and some 3-6 month stuff).
I'm guessing she's around 15-16 lbs, we'll find out at her 4 month appointment, next month.
She loves being held. She's very sociable.
She's always afraid she'll miss something.
When you talk to her, she grins and buries her head in her hands or turns away, shyly.
She loves water. Baths, swimming, as long as the water's not too cold.
She loves to play peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, and this little piggy.
Her eyes have little hazel rings around the pupil--which makes me wonder if I'll actually have a baby with brown eyes.
She always has her hands clasped together and she just discovered her feet. They're fascinating!
She's trying very hard to roll over and can get on her side and kick the top leg over, but hasn't figured out the final step.
She's also trying very hard to push off when she's on her belly and to sit up. If she's in her bouncy seat or boppy pillow, she does her little baby sit ups. She can bear weight on her legs with assistance. They're bionically strong and she can bruise you with her toes.
She's got the bald spot on the back of her head where she moves her head around. Her hair seems to be lightening up, but I seem to remember James's doing the same thing, so it's hard to say what color everything will be in a few more months.
She's making peace with her carseat.
She goes to sleep between 9 and 10 after her bath and last feeding, then sleeps til around 5-6 am. I usually pull her into bed with me and she'll sleep another couple hours there after she eats. She'll get up around 8 (or whenever the boys wake us up) and stay up for a few hours before her morning nap. Then she's up until around 2 or 3 pm, then all three kiddos take their nap. They all get up around 2 hours later, we play, eat dinner, take baths, read stories, and then it's bed time all over again. 
We're up in Tennessee visiting for my sister's wedding shower, so I had to make the 7-ish hour drive with all three kids and the dog by myself today. I tried to plan it around Poppy's nap schedule, so we left super early. The drive went much better than I'd anticipated, thanks to the sleep sheep, timing, preparation, and nearly 7 hours straight of praying!

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