Sunday, May 13, 2012

catching up

What can I say? We've been busy.
I ran the Dirty Girl 5k in Atlanta with some friends. 
I'm still scrubbing the mud off!

One of my very best friends, Laila, visited from Japan. She ran kids all over the place with me, did all our hair (oh boy did we need it!), and we even managed to squeeze in our traditional Italian food date and saw "Think Like A Man" in theaters.

Much better!
James's preschool class had their field day and Laila came along to watch before driving across the states to visit family.

Riley wanted to play, too. I had to distract him with suckers and the read-to-me-app on my phone.

We were all trying to urge him to go around the cone like he was supposed to. He decided to just take a break and bounce, instead. Oh boy.

It was so hot! 

Goodbye's came too soon.

Poppy slept the whole time in her stroller, but we had to snag one photo anyway.
Laila and I met our freshman year of college. She was actually how I met Jason. It had been a year and a half, since Laila and her husband moved to Japan, since I'd seen her, and it was so good to catch up. Between all the family and friend visits she made in her short visit to the states, it was so sweet of her to go out of her way to come see us.

Now that Jason has started Armor School, we've gotten orders! This fall we'll be moving, but not out of the state! Fort Stewart is in our very near future. I know how fast the next few months will go, so I'm already feeling the moving mode. I'm excited and anxious. I've heard great things about the post from friends who've been there or have friends there. I'm trying to pick their brains about where to live, what to do, etc. We've been looking at housing and schools and are planning a trip there this summer to check out the area during one of Jason's long weekends. It's so convenient and lucky that we'll only be 4 1/2 hours or so away, that we can actually scope the area out first. But in the day-to-day, I realize how much I'm going to miss Columbus.I wish I could just pack up our friends and the house and the kids' school and take it all with us!
Boys love tanks!

1 comment:

  1. look how preppy-precious your boys are!!! adore!!!!!
