Saturday, May 12, 2012

Big boy beds

The boys moved into big boy beds this month!
 It was a very big deal. 
Riley had been climbing out of his pack n play over a couple nights. A flyer came in the paper for a local furniture store right about that time and was advertising bunk beds that separated into twin beds--which was exactly what we were considering. The timing was perfect, so we marched into Farmer's Home that week and ordered them.
When they came, the boys were jumping up and down. Poppy and I took apart the little beds (pack n play and James's toddler bed).
 While the boys put together the new ones. They felt so big helping Daddy out.
 I knew they'd be too excited to sleep. Just like Kelly and I were when we got our twin beds years (and years and years) ago and we didn't sleep a wink!
We're having to get used to Riley being able to get out of bed (which he does. James had the fear of God in him and still doesn't get out of bed at night/nap unless he has to use the potty). The other day I found him running up and down the hall, eating crackers during nap time. Sneaky.

So big. I am equally excited and sad in these big moments that make their growing up seem faster. And real.

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