Sunday, May 13, 2012

Strawberry patch

We wanted something fun to do as a family this weekend. The weekdays are cram-packed with meet-ups and playdates, preschool and Armor school, errands and housework (which is pretty impossible to keep up with these days). So we wanted to do something other than chilling out at home (although those breaks are pretty nice most weekends). I did a little searching around and found a strawberry patch less than an hour away from us in Alabama, so we dressed in pink and red (anticipating the stains), turned on the dvd player for the boys and the sleep sheep for Poppy and headed South.
 Backyard Orchards is in Pittsview, Alabama. Right off the highway and easy to find, we met rows upon rows of ripe, juicy strawberries to pluck into our baskets.

 The boys did a lot more eating than picking. I had to sift through the baskets later to pull out all the berries with big bites taken out.

 We ended up with 3 baskets full, plus a small basket of their first peaches of the season and 3 giant zucchini!
 The boys played while Jason checked out and I fed a very hungry Poppy in the car.
 Everyone had pink mustaches.
 We drove off to pick up some lunch and we decided that since it wasn't even noon yet, there was more fun to be had.
We grabbed a picnic lunch at a drive thru, a pack of hotdog buns at the gas station, and headed to the park. After lunch, the boys played on the playground while Poppy and I took a little walk around the lake. Then we found a nice little flock of geese and threw some bread crumbs out for them. 

 We walked down a little bit and found a mama duck and her babies and threw some out for them, too.

 Then a crapload of geese and ducks and even pigeons swarmed us.

Luckily it didn't turn into a Hitchcock film.
Everyone napped very well that afternoon. 
And ate a ton of strawberries.

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