Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Date

Happy Mother's Day!!
A year ago, I never would have thought I'd be spending my next Mother's Day as a mom of three.
Now I can't imagine my life without these three beautiful babies!
With James in preschool this year, I've gotten to spend some wonderful one-on-one time with Riley. Storytime at the bookstore. Playdates at the museum and the park. Lunch out. Breakfast out. Shopping. Playing. Snuggling at home on the couch watching Sesame Street. 
On Wednesdays, Poppy and I get time alone to run our errands and snuggle. All the attention is on her.
 It's been great! 
But with all that comes zero one-on-one time with James. Any school functions and field trips I go to, I'm always carrying along two younger siblings in tow, so my attention never gets to be fully on him. 
Jason asked me the other day what I wanted for Mother's Day and as usual I wrote it off. "I just want to spend time with ya'll. That's all I want." But as the day went on I started thinking about how I don't get any time to spend alone with my firstborn and I decided right then and there--I wanted a Mother's Day date with   James.
We got dressed up and snuck out while the younger two were napping and headed to a pizza parlor in town. The cook gave James a ball of dough to play with while our pizzas were in the oven.

After pizza (he ate the whole thing!) we headed to the movie theater to see "Pirates: Band of Misfits". We got our movie tickets, popcorn, an icee, and our 3d glasses and went in early to get seats. There was no one else in the theater at first and James kept asking where everybody was. I told him they were just watching other movies and it meant we would get to laugh louder.

After the movie it was time for frozen yogurt! James got 3 different flavors and pretty much every topping there was.

We chatted on the drive home about how funny the movie was and our favorite parts and listened to his favorite song. It was such a good time, I didn't even mind when he didn't want me to kiss him or take a picture when we got home. Okay, maybe I minded a little.
My sweet little four year old. Today made me realize how big he is. Time just goes so fast that when you stop for a minute you realize how much has passed you by. 
I just wish they'd stay little, longer.

Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm literally crying reading this. I know I'm a sap in general, but I can't believe how big he is, how old he's gotten, how fast almost FIVE years has flown by. He's the sweetest. I can't believe my little Pooh Bear-wearing infant nephew is a such a big boy. I'm so glad you got to spend Mother's Day one-on-one with him.
