Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another egg hunt

It was so nice out yesterday that after naps we took the boys to the playground. Everybody was outside enjoying it. As hard as the winters are up here, I love how everything comes back to life around April. It really makes you appreciate the sunshine and warmer weather after going through all that snow for so long.

Today was the egg hunt for Jason's Battalion. We had a lot of fun, but that many kids and candy during nap hours was a little crazy. Luckily we were right next to the playground so they got to wear a little energy off before we came home. Here's me with the kids, enjoying some of the refreshments.
Of course we had to get another Easter bunny shot. This was a little easier than yesterday. Riley seemed oblivious to him, and James fought a little but was compliant after EB gave him a lollipop!

Riley's first real outside egg hunt! He's getting so big!
We accidentally left his bag at home (the one he made yesterday at Spring Fling) in the craziness of getting out of the house, so he had to stuff a Wal-mart bag full of eggs and candy instead. He's such a smart little booger--Jason only had to help him at first and he got the concept immediately and started picking up everything around him and stuffing it in there.
James brought his bag he "made" yesterday that he's so proud of (even though most of the stickers have fallen off).

After all the egg hunting, playing, climbing and stuffing our faces with candy and desserts we had two very sleepy little boys. If the ride home had been longer than 5 minutes, they would have been out!

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