Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day everyone! It's a beautiful day up here, all sunshine. Everyone is out playing and gardening and just enjoying Mother Earth. The boys and I got dressed after breakfast and I packed a picnic lunch in James's scooby doo lunchbox (what he calls his "suitcase"). We loaded Riley up in the stroller and went for a nice walk around the neighborhood over to the community center. The kids played on the playground and I chased after them. James announced to everyone that his name was not "James" it was "Red Power Ranger" and Riley was not "Riley" but "Green Power Ranger". He also refused to call me mommy, because I was "Pink Power Ranger". It worked since I was wearing my pink windbreaker. We also talked about Earth Day and picked up some trash (don't worry, Mom! I brought hand sanitizer and wipes!!)

After some playtime, we broke out the lunchbox and had a little picnic in the shade.

Future football player?

Precious James enjoying his heart-shaped PB&J, cheezits and apple slices. He's been carrying around this duck-baby-toy all day calling it his "peep".

After lunch it was more playtime. When they got bored with the playground (or distracted, rather) they dug holes in the giant sand pit. EVERYTHING is covered in sand, now.

We took the scenic trail home and met a bunch of squirrels.

We brought some left over bread slices (the end pieces and some stale ones that would otherwise go in the trash) and broke them up for the birds. We didn't get to see the birds eat it, but we heard them singing in the trees above us.

I love Earth Day and I'm so excited to be celebrating it in small, happy ways with my boys, especially while they are really participating and learning. James is learning the differences in putting trash in the trash can and recycling in the recycling bins. Both boys love playing in the dirt and growing flowers and food. They love animals. I'm finding that as long as we keep our earth-friendly good habits up everyday they really pick up on it and even enjoy it. Maybe we'll even make some vegan cupcakes :)


  1. Can't wait to take them fishing and hunting someday when you're not looking, Love Dad

  2. You're so funny.

    They are not going hunting.

    Love, D
