Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Fling

Our Saturdays, lately, seem to start early, be super busy all morning, and we all tap out by early afternoon. Today we started with James's art class (next week will be his very last one). He had colored a beautiful purple tree and painted over it today with watercolor. I'm such a proud mama of my little artist! He's been a total 3-year old about the class, demanding a new piece of paper every 5 minutes and refusing to get his picture taken.The boys got a big box the other day of Easter goodies from Grammy and Grampy in Texas full of peeps, puzzles, books, jellybeans, and obnoxious toys that cheep and talk. Needless to say the kids are thrilled, and while I can deal with talking toys (yay selective hearing!) Jason is not so much! I have a video I took of Riley talking to his peeps that I'll put up soon--but here are the pictures. The photos don't even do the experience justice--the first bite each kid took of marshmallowy-sugary goodness sent them into sugar shock and they started barking and squealing and bouncing off the walls. Here they are all blue-sticky-sweet:Sugar coma!!
Our community center had it's "Spring Fling" this morning. It's beautiful and warm outside so we took a little walk down there.
They had it really organized and structured, which unfortunately means a long line, but the kids enjoyed running around trees and playing with rocks while we waited.They each "made" treat bags to hunt eggs with. We put their names on them and they got to put egg and flower stickers all over. James was sooo proud of his!I don't have a picture of it, but they also had face-painting (James doesn't like any paint getting on his face--ha!) and a little craft table set up where they handed out dixie cups with potting soil in them and the kids got to decorate their cups with more stickers. They gave them zinnia seeds and watered them and the boys got to take them home to grow some flowers.

They had a small Easter egg hunt set up in one of the rooms--James accidentally took too many eggs!

The coolest thing they had was the live chicks! James was hesitant to get close or pet them, but Riley was thrilled! As soon as we got him out of the stroller he ran up and started petting them and cheeping at them (and poking them in the eyes). Once Riley got up there, James followed behind and gave them a pat. James wanted to carry it around and I think all three of us wanted to take them home! (Jason being the voice of reason, here)

Finally, the best part--the whole walk to the community center James was announcing that he was going to the "Easter Bunny Hunt". He changed it after some cajoling to the "Easter Bunny Egg Hunt". As with most holidays, he was super excited to see the Easter Bunny---in theory. When we actually met the big bunny, he didn't want to go near it! Riley the fearless sat right down with no fussing (I swear, this kid isn't afraid of anything!). With some help from Jason, we did manage to get a pretty cute picture of all of them, though!

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