Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! The holidays sure make you miss home and friends and family that you're away from, but we're lucky that we got to spend our Easter with our "military family".

Jason and I got up early this morning so I could cook for our dinner with friends this evening and he worked on cleaning up the yard. The boys got up this morning cranky, but changed their moods once they saw that the Easter bunny had visited.

Riley went straight for the peeps and cadbury eggs and James went straight to Riley's toys. James was refusing his peeps, which should have been my red flag. He also didn't eat his breakfast. He came in the kitchen while I was cooking and threw up everywhere! I don't know what is going on with his stomach, but this is the second weekend in a row he's gotten sick. Guess it wouldn't be a holiday if someone didn't throw up! It was short-lived at least, and he was feeling better after some pedialyte.

This evening we went over to our friend Jenn's and made a big Easter dinner and the kids played and colored eggs.

The camo one in the back was James's! Can you tell he's an army brat?

Here's our feast! Lots of wonderful food. We left stuffed and sleepy.

The kids had a picnic on the floor. Riley was too tired to sit up and eat after all the excitement!

James said he wasn't tired at all on the way home, but his eyes say otherwise...

Riley fell asleep shortly after this was taken.

Even though we're exhausted, it's going to be a long night. We pick up the truck tomorrow! I can't believe it's here already. We only have 3-ish days left in this house and a week from today we'll actually be arriving at our new house in Georgia!


  1. wooo hoo! wish you could've been here for all the easter festivities! can't wait for saturday!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 6 days till I get to see you! woot!
