Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week in review

Oh no! I can't find Riley anywhere!! . . .
Surprise! If there's one thing my boys have in common (besides those killer blue eyes) it's a love of all things fluffy and squishy. Doing laundry (something that is never in short supply in this house) the other day, I'd just washed a bunch of pillows. Riley went missing shortly after. James joined in and they had a make-shift bouncy house!

Yes, this is the dog's jacket (she never wears it, wonder why?). I tried packing it away (like the pillows) and Riley demanded I leave it out and let him wear it around. When he realized how awkward it was, he let me have it back. But he still had a nice go around the living room before then. After Jason left work yesterday we had to make a[nother] trip to Home Depot for more moving boxes. After our almost-weekly trips there, I think they're starting to recognize us. Apparently that doesn't make them anymore helpful though. The moving boxes weren't stocked on the lower shelves so we had to find someone to help get them down. It took 15 minutes+ to get someone over there to help! And it wasn't for shortage of employees--there was someone helping two or three other people in the aisles surrounding us--including one in our aisle! Jason tried to get his attention but he couldn't be bothered, so he ran around the store asking them to send someone. It wasn't until Jason found the high-lift-ladder-thingie and started rolling it toward the boxes aisle that someone came running over. Thanks, Home Depot. Boooo.

I'm so sick of packing and boxes and cardboard right now I could probably make an irrational decision--like say, throwing away EVERYTHING ELSE IN OUR HOUSE THAT HASN'T BEEN PACKED YET. Unwise. Especially since it's just the essentials.
After the adventures at HD we shopped around town and stopped at Friendly's for dinner.

James is in love with peeps now and they just happened to have a special peep sundae. He was in his element. And being the little perfectionist he is, he refused to eat the peep or the ice cream holding it up and just ate around it, careful to keep the peep balanced.
Today was James's last art class at the YMCA. I'm sooo sad! He was fantastic, cooperative, even did the pasting and decorated his "egg".
When he finished his egg, he drew a ghost. I'm glad it's a happy ghost, complete with curly hair.
When we got him up this morning, James was looking a little distressed. He refused breakfast so I was afraid he was getting sick. Even in art class his teacher (he calls her Miss Colors Teacher) was asking him if he was feeling okay or going to get sick. He insisted he was fine. He made it through the art class and we stopped at Starbucks to get some coffee to bring home to Daddy and he asked for one of their cake pops. In retrospect I probably shouldn't have given him a cake pop on an empty stomach, but I was thinking if he finally wasn't refusing to eat something at least he'd have some food on his stomach and he must feel well enough to eat. We went to Old Navy to look for some pants and he was so good. The whole time, he was patient and held my hand and let me try on pants in the fitting room without complaint. I didn't find anything, but we went to look at swimming trunks since they were 60% off today. I found a really cute pair of motorcycle ones and asked if he liked them--and he threw up! There was a sales associate standing on a ladder right above us so I'm so glad he has good aim. He didn't get any on his clothes or shoes or any of the store's clothes. Just the floor! The sales lady was suuuuper sweet and helpful and didn't yell at us or anything. She brought us some tissues (they were out of paper towels) and showed us where the bathroom was and grabbed the cleaning stuff. But she was totally sweet about the whole thing. We ducked out of there and got back in the car. He told me on the way out the door, "My tummy feels better after I throw up. I love you Mommy!" It was the sweetest, most pitiful thing in the world. We made it all the way home from the other side of town and he came in the door, got off of the carpet onto the tile floor and threw up again. Then he made it to the bathroom. Is he good aim or what?? But, it was rough! Thank goodness Jason was waiting for us with pedialyte and crackers and towels! After some pedialyte, power rangers on tv and a good long nap, he perked up a little. He's now climbing and wrestling (video to follow) and ate half a sandwich, so I think he'll be alright. I cancelled our date night we had planned, just in case though. A night in with some popcorn and movies on demand will work just fine.


  1. 1. Riley is too precious and he looks JUST LIKE YOU. To a tee!!!!
    2. Bahahahahahahaha… Mom says Riley's going to hate you one day when he's in middle school and you start puling out the pictures of him sleeping with Barbie and wearing pink puffer vests.
    3. That picture of James smiling with his Peeps is the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life up to date. He is a beautiful, BEYOND PRECIOUS/CUTE/ADORBS child and he makes me smile. SOOOOOOOOO cute.
    4. The fact that he calls his art teacher Miss Colors Teacher is TOO CUTE. TOO cute. Love it.
    5. Poor poor sick James!!!!!!!! Thank goodness he didn't get sick in Home Depot, where they probably would've thrown a tizzy. Yay good aim!
    6. He's so sweet. I am literally tearing up.
    7. I'm sorry your date night got canceled! Reschedule!!!! Poor sick baby.

  2. 1. They are pretty precious, huh?
    2. I will have no shortage of black mail pictures. Fo sho.
    3. The picture of James and the peeps I thought was a spittin' image of Jason! It really is!
    4. James seems to be feeling better today and hasn't puked since we got home from old navy yesterday.
    5. I would love to reschedule, but there's no time! We're picking up the moving truck in 8 days and moving in a little over a week!! Plus next week's Easter, too, so even more craziness!
