Thursday, November 3, 2011

22 weeks

okay so this is almost a week late, but I just had a doctor's appointment this week.
How far along? I'll be 23 weeks tomorrow, but in the picture I was 22 weeks.
How big is baby? She's measuring a few days ahead still, but right about where she should be. According to thebump she's about the size of an eggplant--which is neat because I have one in my fridge to compare!
Total weight gain: I've gained about 10-12 lbs now. I warned the nurse doing my vitals that I did some damage with the Halloween candy the night before :)
Sleep: Sleep is fabulous! I'm still really tired by the afternoons, squeezing in a few naps when the boys take theirs. It's been so busy around here that it's taking a lot out of me. No problems with sleeping though, except when I keep trying to roll over onto my stomach and she starts kicking me like crazy because I'm squishing her.
Cravings: Not much. I've loved sour stuff, especially anything with lemons, this pregnancy because it's always curbed the nausea. We've been eating chicken piccata or garlic-lemon spaghetti every single week. Which has been great, because the boys love lemons, too (that gene came from their daddy!) so I don't have to fight with them at dinner time those nights!
Movement: She's moving like crazy these days. She's already up in my ribs (thanks short torso), so I don't know where she's going to go these next 3 1/2 months. The boys were like that too, there's just not much room for these long-legged kids to grow in there.
Symptoms: Everything's been pretty mellow, just coasting through the second trimester! I am growing out of my clothes, though. Having to put away the non-maternity stuff a little more each day.
Name? Still not telling..for now. But in about a month, everyone will know!
Best moment so far: saw a new doctor this week and I like him, too. Good experiences with both of my military doctors so far--hoping it stays that way. I think that since it's my third baby, things are just more mellow this time around. I took Riley to the appointment since it was just routine and short (James was at school). He was really good and just ate his snacks and colored in his coloring book. When the doctor listened to the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, Riley dropped everything he was doing and just listened. The doctor said, "you hear your little sister?" and Riley got the biggest grin on his face! It was precious. I still don't think he really knows what's going on, but that was the best moment with him throughout the pregnancy.
Looking forward to: I'm so excited about having a winter pregnancy this time! My maternity clothes are pretty much all summer stuff from the boys, so it's exciting to get to buy sweaters and pants and long-sleeves this time! And I can cover everything up!
I've been sticking it out with my pre-pregnancy jeans and the bella band (love that thing) so far and they've about had it, so I bought some new maternity jeans at Target today. It was so nice to find something that fits and is comfortable and doesn't make me look like a cow. I may have bought a sweater too...but we'll count it as an early birthday present.

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