Monday, November 28, 2011


My Tennessee family made the trip down Thanksgiving week to help me cook and spend turkey day with us. My sister brought her fiance (they're engaged!!), Drew, and about five of Jason's classmates from OCS came over so we had about 12 people to feed. I love having a big crowd to cook for! This awful picture was my sister's doing. Thanks, Kelly.

Anticipating 15+ people, I picked up a 23 pound turkey. It was practically as big as the boys!

All the kids' fall/Thanksgiving art work.

There was lots to eat and plenty leftover. Everything went really well and it was nice to spend the day with family. It's the first Thanksgiving in four years that we've all gotten to spend together.

There's lots to be thankful for in this house! 2 and a half beautiful children, Jason being home with us, our fabulous extended family, lots of good food, where we live, our many friends, the last week of OCS, and all our many blessings!The next morning, Kelly, Drew, and I ventured out for Black Friday shopping. Several purchases and hours later, we had a 9 o'clock breakfast at Steak and Shake, complete with holiday white chocolate milkshakes!! (per tradition)The folks left late Friday morning, once we'd finished our shopping trip. After a long nap (for me, of course!), we put away all the fall decor and broke out the Christmas boxes!Here are our elves at work!And our thrilled rein-dog.I don't know if you've heard of pinterest--or if you're addicted like I am, but that's where I found the inspiration to make our monogram wreath! It took all of an hour or two one night after the kids were in bed and I'm so proud to see it on our front door :)

We also adopted an Elf on the Shelf and named him "Fred". He's already hidden on the mantle, the jelly cupboard, the microwave stand, and the door hinge in the hallway. Sneaky elf!

I love the holidays and decorating the house puts me in the mood to stir some hot chocolate on the stove, put on some festive music, and snuggle up to "It's a Wonderful Life" with my loves.

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