Thursday, November 3, 2011

trick or treat

We've been planning to trick or treat on post this year, since our neighborhood is so small and the area just outside of it isn't what I'd consider kid-friendly. Our on-post friends invited us to come along with them, so our big group met up at Erin's house.

There were a LOT of kids and the more the merrier. I'm pretty sure the boys still had some orange icing stuck to their costumes, but whatever. It was dark, right?

I stuck Riley in the stroller since I figured he'd wear out fast, walking, and I didn't want to have to tote around 30 lbs of toddler + candy the whole time. He didn't fight it either, whenever we came up to a house and all the older kids went running up to the door, he'd hop out, hold out his bucket and say, "treeeeat" and "thank you", then come plop right back down in the stroller.

We had another little monkey in the group :)

I'd been afraid Riley might be too scared of everything, since some decorations and stuff he's seen freaked him out a little. He was a trooper, though. Must've been the getting-candy part.

James was so cute and grown up! I loved seeing him as one of the "big kids", running up there, knowing exactly what to do. By the end of it we did have to make one pee stop in the woods (the great thing about having boys!) and he was complaining because he was tired/cold/his feet hurt.

In his defense, we were out there for about 1 hour and 45 minutes! Lots of walking for little legs.

James and his girlfriend again.

They got into the buckets of candy before we got home and had tootsie roll and lollipop faces and fingers. Riley's monkey costume was matted with stickiness so I had to strip them at the door and throw them both in the tub. The monkey suit is still sitting in my bathroom floor, sprawled out like a skinned animal. I've been rationing the candy all week, but between it and the cupcakes, cookies, and ice cream from all the festivities, I'm looking into a kid's rehab center to detox them. How unfair is it that loads of candy make the kids bounce off walls, but only makes the parents heavy and sluggish?

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