Sunday, November 6, 2011

Family Sunday

Now that Jason's in his senior phase, he's getting weekends off and a couple on-post passes. The weather was gorgeous so we headed over to the playground.

The boys were in their element--all three of them. It was nice to be able to just sit on the bench and watch and take pictures while Daddy got to do the chasing around.

After an hour or so, when everyone was good and sweaty we headed over to Brusters for some ice cream.

James got his usual "nem enem".

Riley wore most of his.

By the time we rolled into the driveway, both kids were passed out in their carseats (all the action made the goodbye's a little easier this time around). After barely getting to talk to Jason this week (field time), it was so good to get to see him!

Today marked daylight savings, which normally I adore--an extra hour of sleep? Hell yes! But that really only applies to answering to an alarm in the mornings for a job/school/etc. Kids do not care when the alarm goes off. We did luck out and after a string of sleepless and semi-sleepless nights, they slept through the night and even an extra hour for DS (how did I manage that??). But as I got everyone fed and ready for bed this evening, the time change completely slipped my mind (I still have not changed my kitchen clocks and when I forget again, it will be all my fault). It was only 6:30. I'm not sure how it came up, maybe James said something to remind me? Anyway, I've been meaning to get the boys' hair cut for a while now (honestly they haven't had it done since Jason came home for the weekend. in July). I've considered taking them to my own stylist or even a budget salon in town. I toyed with the idea of cutting it myself, which is what I used to do--I've got the scissors and it saves $15/kid, but it made me nervous that I have no one to help/distract/hold them still. Still, with an extra hour or so on my hands and Beauty & the Beast on tv I felt ambitious and went for it. We set up "barber shop" in the kitchen with one of the barstools. With Disney and leftover Halloween candy as distractions, it went considerably well and now both boys can see again.

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