Thursday, November 17, 2011

25 weeks

Technically I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow, but whatever.

Quick update (because I'd really like to squeeze in a half-hour nap while the kids are down):

Feeling good, only symptoms (besides growing!) are crazy heartburn, spurred by pineapple juice, peanut butter, pesto, potatoes, anything with oil, and citrus.

Have been craving lemons (particularly chicken piccata which I made last night with chicken fresh from the butcher and italian imported butter---best piccata EVERRRRR), reubens, and yogurt/kefir. Oh and those cuties/clementine oranges (but that may just be Christmas approaching--love oranges at Christmastime).

Lost a pound from my last appointment (granted I was bloated up on Halloween candy) but I'm sure I'll gain it back and then some before my next appointment the week after Thanksgiving (awesome.).

The first of December is fast-approaching, which means the name will be revealed very soon!!

She's kicking around in there like a pinball machine.

I'm nesting. But it may just be that I'm excited about decorating/cleaning for the holidays.

Her closet is growing ridiculously fast. Between my own shopping addiction (which really only lasted from the ultrasound to a week or two after, but did some damage!), gifts from friends and family, and then my mom and Granny this past weekend, I came home and hung everything up, only to realize I need some new hangers! She may not have a nursery, but girl's got her own closet!! Priorites :)

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