Friday, February 10, 2012

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks--full term!

How big is baby? The baby sites estimate around 19 inches long and between 6 and 7 lbs. Thebump says she's the size of a watermelon (and doesn't it feel like it!)

Weight gain? 29 lbs

Sleep? That cold threw everything out of whack and I'm so uncomfortable that sleep is pretty much non-existent these days.

Symptoms? Occasional nausea, lots of rib pain (she's running out of room), tired, cleaning maniacally (I spent the other sleepless night scrubbing the rust out of old cookie sheets with a concoction of peroxide and baking soda). Also, contractions suck. They're getting to that painful, strong point, but not regular enough to do anything (I hope!). It reminds me of the weeks leading up to the boys' arrivals, so I'm just thinking closed thoughts and hoping she doesn't get in a hurry like James and come before she's supposed to.

Movement? She was getting lazier for a while, but as I start to get a little of my energy back in time for nesting, she seems to be getting hers, too. Maybe she's just claustrophobic like James was and she's trying to bust out of there? She still gets hiccups, but they're in the same spot now so she's not spinning anymore (as if she'd have any room to).

Cravings? A ridiculous, embarrassing amount of ritz crackers. I found a Lindt chocolate bar while grocery shopping this week that was dark chocolate with a hint of sea salt. It had my name written all over it!!! Chocolate, with tiny, cruncy salt crystals throughout it. I wish I'd bought more, but I was afraid it wouldn't be salty enough. It held up! Sooooo good!! I'm going to be stocking up this weekend.

Best moment this week? Feeling human again after all this sick-mess. I finally got to meet my neighbor's brand new little girl, Emily (born last Tuesday). And Jason's Air Assault school graduation this morning (pictures to follow!)--now I'll finally have my husband home! And I know that if I do go into labor early, he'll be here to drive me to the hospital and keep our kids. Thank God.

Looking forward to? Getting everything done, having Jason's help, and my baby shower/sprinkling that a couple of my fabulous friends are throwing for me tomorrow!

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